The court decided not to take Nasirov UAH 100 million

Solomensky district court of Kyiv rejected the petition of the investigators of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and prosecutors of Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office (SAP) the recovery of the bail-bond suspended the head of the State fiscal service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov in the amount of 100 million UAH to the budget due to the fact that the latter is not handed over a British passport.

This decision is not appealable.

After the court hearing, Nasirov stressed again that does not intend to abscond and to go abroad.

He reiterated that he expects for a speedy transfer of his case for consideration in court to prove his innocence.

As reported, the detectives NAB declared suspicion in Commission of crime the head of the SFS on March 2 in the evening, after which he carried out his detention in hospital “Feofania”. He is suspected of committing a crime under part 2 St. 364 (abuse of official position, entailed heavy consequences) the Criminal code of Ukraine.

March 7, Solomenskiy district court of Kiev chose Nasirova measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of 60 days with an alternative of pledge in the amount of UAH 100 million. At the same time, SAP asked the court to appoint Nasirova Deposit in the amount of 2 billion UAH.

March 16, SAP announced that Nasirov his wife posted bail of 100 million UAH.

May 30, the NEB adopted a decision on the refusal to travel abroad Nasirova.

On 2 June it became known that the Solomensky district court of Kiev refused R. Nasirova to review its measure.

Detectives NABOO and prosecutors SAP initiated a petition for recovery of a Deposit in the amount of UAH 100 million in state revenue due to the fact that Nasirov has not handed over a British passport.

