The “deep state” announced “the Balkan hunt”

The fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the cold war marked the beginning of a new era in international relations. The collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the violent collapse of Yugoslavia, which resulted in the Anglo-American and German centers of power, very pleased with Western political and military bloc headed by the United States. “The defeat of the Russian red bear” has launched the global dominance of neoliberalism, corporatization and Americanization of political trends.

Come “end of history”, described the girl fighting. At least so thought the representatives of the governing structures across the Atlantic and their puppets in the Brussels EU.

The Empire becomes more aggressive when the premonition of his imminent end. This banal truth, probably best describes the current behavior of obsolete political elites in the West, especially the Anglo-American establishment in Washington and London. The ideological masterminds and strategists of the biggest political monsters of NATO and the “Islamic state” (banned in Russia — approx. ed.) feel that they do not manage changes in the international arena.

In the sphere of geostrategic shifts the balance of power, the transatlantic partnership bursting at the seams, strengthening the Alliance between Russia, China, Iran, India and Brazil within the BRICS. Thanks to all this, a new “sovereign” bloc led by Moscow and Beijing. The activation of these countries in the international arena, primarily in the field of economy, Finance and security, caused a great geopolitical turmoil, and now thalassocratic centres are slowly but surely losing ground.

In this situation, representatives of the American “deep state” — an environment in which the 20th century was created and thought out destructive foreign policy line in Washington — are trying to hold their positions and keep the current unipolar world order. The Clinton clique is again declared hunting on Russia, and in recent months especially we can clearly see elements of the hunt in the actions of American legislators and diplomats, former Obama administration, which retained the key positions in the State Department.

In fact, attempts to implement the plan over 20 years ago in a few words outlined the “lady of war”, former U.S. Secretary of state Madeleine Albright. She said that Russia unjustly has too much territory on the planet Earth, and that this needs to be corrected.

A few weeks ago, Republican-democratic “dogs of war” managed to hold in the U.S. Congress a package of fiscal measures aimed at active political, economic, informational and logistic combat the growing “Russian threat,” that is, with the increasing influence of Russia at the international level.

One of the proposed measures — carrying out cyber-sabotage aimed at limiting the growing influence of Moscow in the field of international electronic communications. Already formed a special Committee to monitor the implementation of said measures. Its members will be representatives of the military-industrial complex, intelligence agencies (they are still looking at the world through the prism of the cold war) and the neo-liberal American media — in General, the representatives of the global establishment.

American supporters of Atlanticism (for them remains the key word in matters of foreign policy of the United States) have long been anxious to conquer its geopolitical enemy and take control of its resources with the strategy of controlled chaos.

It involves inciting a small conflict and the creation of new hotbeds of tension in all the regions, having importance for Russia from a geopolitical point of view. We are talking about geographical areas, which allow easily penetrate deep into the Eurasian continent: in the Caucasus, the middle East, Central Asia, the Korean Peninsula, Eastern Europe and certainly the Balkans. Their stability is important for the protection of the legitimate geopolitical interests of Moscow.

The Balkans became the subject of discussion at a recent meeting of the U.S. Senate, announcing the adoption of the law on the establishment of a special Fund to combat the Russian presence in the region. The Fund is expected to invest $ 250 million.

Part of this money will be directed not only to Serbia, but in other States that are part of the Euro-Atlantic integration processes in Macedonia, Albania and so called Kosovo, as well as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The author of the law, which is in the process in Congress is an influential democratic Senator Benjamin Cardin, an ardent advocate of U.S. interventionism, and a supporter of anti-Russian policy of sanctions.

As stated in the justification of this bill, the American financial investment is to support those political parties, non-governmental organizations and public associations, which work to strengthen “confidence in democratic institutions and the factors that promote an open society and in other ways support the European unity and popularitybut the need for further Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries of the region.”

Such wording is a clear proof that in the Balkans is conducted openly anti-Russian offensive under the command and patronage of the American “deep state”. This attack is aimed at all spheres of public life, from political and economic through the security and intelligence down to the field of information, education and culture.

With the help of numerous liberalist “institutions of civilized society” and NGOs that operate under the wing of the “father of the Balkan chaos” of George Soros, the West is spreading its influence in the political and information environment of Serbia. The same purpose serve and the different “social events” like a festival “Mirdita”, which celebrated the non-existent legacy of the indigenous inhabitants of an independent Kosovo, and the Serbs are exhibited by criminals and falsifiers of history. Our Western “partners” want to impose on Serbian society, contempt for himself, so that it became the main ideology and determined all national political actions.

It is noteworthy that just a few days ago came the news that the U.S. Agency for international development (USAID) doubled the funds allocated for the promotion of reforms in the sphere of the Serbian media. The official purpose of the project is “to improve the legal, regulatory and economic conditions in the Serbian media sphere.” The true goal is to fight with the Russian media’s influence in Serbia and its restriction by using the already well known method. We are talking about creating a good public opinion instead of sympathy for Russia was dominated by an extreme form of Russophobia.

To speed up this process, preparing a fertile ground for unification of opposition forces. This protects — neither more nor less — a faithful servant of the American “deep state” Brian Hoyt Yee. Gathered at the table all opposition leaders of Serbia, for which public policy — a dark forest, and the Serbian state and national interests — all the same grass, the American diplomat has prepared a plan for the destruction of the bridges between Moscow and Belgrade. His assistants for the preparation of “explosives” Yi chose on the Serbian political scene checked Western mercenaries and pseudo-patriots.

That “Balkan hunting in Russia”, which was opened by the Clinton clique and its ideological allies in Brussels, is in full swing, evidenced by the statement of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany Sigmar Gabriel about the need to strengthen the financial presence of Brussels in the Balkans. This German advocate of Atlanticism became hysterical when they saw that Serbia will not rush to raise blue-and-yellow EU flags, but, instead, glorified on billboards Serbian-Russian friendship and strategic relations between the two countries.

For Sigmar Gabriel Serbia too slow like a snail is included in the process of using the achievements of the “Euro-Atlantic integration,” which he attributes to an increasingly visible Russian influence in the country and the region as a whole. In the opinion of this representative of German neo-liberalism, “the Russian threat” is the most dangerous factor of destabilization of the Balkans, and Serbia is doing far too little to mitigate this threat. Therefore, the German feels entitled to read the Serbs morality and to announce the creation of an additional Fund for infrastructure projects for the “Western Balkans six” (six States, including, of course, and an independent Kosovo, founded with the support of the West).

“We need to keep the Balkan States on the right track, otherwise they will go in the wrong direction,” so, the prescriptive tone and German arrogance, German foreign Minister speaks about the desire to keep Serbia at the Brussels noose. He wants to convey to us that the path of cooperation with Moscow — incorrect, the right to follow the path of European integration.

Let us remember that these achievements of the EU, which we should, even reluctantly, to agree?

We need to extol the friendship with the Union of the States which participated in the NATO aggression and murder of Serbian civilians. Those States that have overwhelmingly recognized the false state of Kosovo, and who have the tacit support of Albanian separatism. These are the States whose leaders are happy to have hosted the Albanian terrorists. It States that any economic investment in Serbia is associated with its own political desires and accompany pressure. Finally, those States that cause us to abandon its statehood, history and traditions… And so I can still long to enumerate.

But instead, I will meet Sigmar Gabriel in a few words. Express, Mr. Gabriel, Serbia alone. Her people will decide whom to glorify and to consider a friend. But rest assured that our friend will not be the one in whose name our country was torn apart and mutilated. The Serbian people will exalt those friends who really they are, and who instead of slavery has brought us freedom.

We glorify Russia — you and your American mentors in defiance!

