What rules guided by Putin to give Europe a “kick”

“In the long period of global geopolitical dream of Russian nationalism is to change the European Union, also with the United States, came to new Eurasia extending from Atlantic Europe to Vladivostok, where Russia will play the role of hegemon. Currently, Putin is sowing discord in the West, mainly for defensive purposes”.

It is the opinion of Ukrainian political scientist Anton Shekhovtsova, one of the main European specialists in the sphere of relations of the Kremlin with the populist movements, a visiting Professor at the Austrian Institute of humanitarian Sciences, which he shared in conversation with our publication.

Shekhovtsov arrived in Rome at a conference organized by the Atlantic Council and the Institute of social Sciences and strategic studies on strategies of Russian influence in Europe. He says: “Putin — a former KGB agent, but, as we have often said, the former KGB does not happen. There is a guide for the adoption of a “proactive measures” to counter the West from books, KGB, and Putin follows this guide. Just as the West has destabilized the Soviet Union, bringing it close to collapse, it can destabilize Putin’s regime. To avoid this, the President is trying to be proactive”.

Shekhovtsov profoundly studied the relations of the Kremlin with far-right movements, in September, the London publisher Routledge will release his book “Russia and the Western far-right: black tango”. The author emphasizes that a “scientist, dealing with evidence, not hearsay”: instead of preheating conspiracy scenarios, he prefers to review the facts again.

Speaking of the French National front, he said: “it is Incorrect to say that the party was funded by Russia. She got into debt and will have to return them. A more thorough proof of funding is only minor Polish far-right group, didn’t have much influence.”

Regarding the Netherlands, Shekhovtsov adds: “the freedom Party of Wilders in fact is not a Pro, despite the fact that its MEPs regularly vote for Pro-Putin resolution strong core, consisting of the National front, Northern League and the Austrian freedom party”.

Between Putin and far-right movements are supported by strong relationships in the two sectors: “the First is a huge space given to the members of these movements in the media associated with the Kremlin, such as Sputnik, RT, or “Voice of Russia”. The second is the use of observers, members of these different movements to provide a patina of legitimacy to the electoral processes held in the territory of Abkhazia, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Crimea and Donbass, which otherwise may be questionable from the point of view of the law. These tools need to demonstrate to public opinion in Russia that Putin is not in isolation.”

That is why such a strong response was received by the statement of the President of France Emmanuel Makron vs the Russian “bodies of influence” made at a time when next to him was Putin.

While attention is paid Pro-Putin sentiment among the leftist forces (for example, in the labour party, led by Jeremy Corbin), there remains a contradiction between the anti-fascist rhetoric, which continues to insist Russia, and interaction with parties having a lot in common with fascism. Ten years after the end of world war II the Communist Soviet Union without much remorse undertook to Finance the German neo-Nazi groups to prevent the accession of Germany to NATO. Moreover, in the framework of rhetoric, rising to the times of the USSR, the word “fascist” just means “enemy of Russia”. If a fascist becomes a friend, then it by definition ceases to be a fascist.

