For kids: how to understand, whether the child is ready for school

While students are preparing for the long-awaited summer vacation, for parents of future first-graders begins a hot time. School choice, a collection of documents, the medical examination is only a small part of the tasks that need to be resolved before 1 September. But first and foremost, parents need to answer yourself one simple question: to go to school this year? Or wait for the next — especially if age allows? When is the best time to give child to school at 6 or 7 years? The criteria to check whether the child is ready to learn, and how to prepare it for the new life that will begin with the school?

Find the answers to these questions helped us our experts: the teacher, the author of the project “Sitelock”, the speaker of international forums for parents Tyatyana but fails, and psychologist, Director of the DRC “Golden child” Snezhana Poplavskaya.


According to state standards of Ukraine, the arrival of children in school and possibly at six and seven years. Choosing the right option is the responsibility of the parents to give the child the opportunity to learn early, or give one more year of carefree childhood? According to psychologists, a very small percentage of six-year-old has the ability to concentrate on the learning process without compromising health. But readiness to learn is not so much the ability to read and write — this wisdom, children will master in first grade — how much the maturity of the nervous system and physiological factors.

Taking the decision to enroll a child in first grade based only on the level of his knowledge, parents run the risk of getting a rather unpleasant side effect: due to excessive psychological stress in the evenings provided the tantrums, tears, and uncontrollability. There may be somatic consequences (frequent colds and even gastrointestinal diseases), and further the child runs the risk of a persistent negative image of the learning process. Postponing in this case, the timing of the school year, you will allow the child more smoothly and safely integrate into the educational process.


Remember: the factors of school readiness is always to assess in the aggregate.

  • The physiological maturity.

At the age of 6-7 years the child is paurashavas leap, when in conjunction with changes in body proportions occurs the maturation of the nervous system — forms the brain’s ability to quickly perceive and process information. Only after this process is complete, a person has real functionality to the plodding, fairly long work. To determine the physiological maturity of the child will help the Philippine test: ask the child to reach out your right hand over the top of the left ear. If you got the means, in terms of physiology preschooler is ripe for learning. If not, you might need to wait.

  • Change of milk teeth.

In Ancient China the readiness of children for learning was defined by process of change of milk teeth. Many parents are familiar with the saying that if your teeth fall out — so have to go to school. Actually, it’s not just popular belief, but a scientifically substantiated fact: the process of change of teeth indicates the level of maturation of the cerebral cortex and it is responsible for the ability to hold a long attention to the subject of study. While the cortex did not reach the desired level of development, require the child’s attention and perseverance — it is useless and groundless. He just is not capable.

  • Speech development of the child.

A very important factor in readiness to learn is the language development. To the future first grader was easy in training, he should be able to pronounce sounds correctly, to use language in complex sentences of different types, to come up with stories according to the story the image or from personal experience, to form sentences of 5-6 words. It is very important for a child to understand that words can have figurative meaning: it will help to communicate with teachers and peers, it is easy to Express their thoughts.

  • The development of memory.

Memory — based intelligence that helps the student in mastering new knowledge. If a child without any problems and remembers the 8-10 pictures, may repeat exactly the text, consisting of 3-4 sentences, tell memory verses or the contents of the picture — you can be sure that the memorization of the school curriculum in the first grade the kid will be overcome without much difficulty.


So, all factors of the signal: time to learn! And then parents, it is important to understand that intellectual development is certainly important. But the most important is the development of psychological. So before you start a new serious life, let the child rest.

“Before school child need to play! Only in the game formed the qualities necessary for personal development,” — says Tatiana but fails.

Buy more games with rules: games RPG, checkers, games on attention and memory. Let your child play with adults and peers. In parallel, explain to him that school is work: to give any tasks at home that need to be done daily, whatever the mood and desire. And the main thing — to do yourself, without your help.

“Now it is important to match the mode of the day your baby’s routine student — that in September it was not a shock for him and more stress”, says Snezhana Poplavskaya. Follow the daily routine that the child plenty of time spent outdoors, and his sleep was calm and full.

Admission to the school is a very stressful time not only for children but also for parents, so try to support yourself. Deal with their fears and attitudes towards school. You will be surprised to discover that some of them unfounded. Getting rid of your fears, you will alleviate unnecessary stress. After all, your condition is always transferred to the child.

Important: games and fresh air

