Three people who will change the world, and the meeting of Erdogan and trump…

May diplomatic contacts, President erdoğan had been historic from the point of view of the Central position of Turkey in the new system of international relations. Their significance goes far beyond bilateral relations. They focused not only on today but also on the world of the future. In the period when the country with its historical claims preparing for the future, Turkey aktiviziruyutsya and shows that she is ready to act as a Central force.

I don’t know how we were able to understand, to interpret, to discuss it, but as I can tell, the construction of a new world order occurs in a very narrow part, and the visits referred to, are directed to be present at this table. The efforts of Erdogan is aimed at laying the foundations in this area. No matter what anyone said, Turkey is — and even took — his place at this table, despite all the obstacles.

The meeting of Erdogan and trump and concerns of Turkey…

In this context, the meeting of Erdogan and trump was successful. The success of this meeting lies in the fact that it marked the beginning of building strong relationships between the two leaders and helped to find the language in which they understand each other. Erdogan and trump are leaders who are not shy to Express my opinion, I prefer to speak directly, and to use strong techniques that result. The signals, as well as fragments of the meeting, which found public reflection to confirm this.

Nevertheless, the deep crisis of confidence between Turkey and the US failed to overcome. Actually nobody expected that this crisis will be resolved in one meeting. In particular, the concern of Turkey is not abated, the threats posed by the actions of the US in our region has not diminished. But we know that it is more likely related to an established system of the United States than with trump. The question here is, who will emerge victorious from the conflict between trump and establishment.

The real conflict going on inside US

In this regard, we conclude that the real conflict going on inside US. Over time we will see whether the system will tame trump, or trump converts it. In the current environment it is obvious that the President of the United States are not included in many institutes and has no control over them. How realistic guarantees, which gives a President, and follow the results is debatable. The absence of any reliable, specific results of the meeting of Erdogan and the trump can be in some measure to associate with this circumstance.

We deals with the following aspect. Army, intelligence institutions of the United States threaten the entire region, parts of the country, implement the plan of environment of Turkey through the corridor in Northern Syria. More no doubt, and Turkey clearly stated its position.

Open partnership with terrorist organizations, the announcement of the Party “Democratic Union” (PYD) ally, infinite weapons — all this negates the warranty, which gives the White house concerning the “fight against terrorism”. They are not sincere in this matter, and never had been. They approached the stage to draw against Turkey as a terrorist trump card, which they used against other countries in the past.

No alliances can’t keep that threat

It’s true. US policy in Iraq and Syria threatens Turkey and even includes a plan for the division of the country, as we have seen in the course of the intervention 15 Jul 2016. The US administration’s intentions on this matter. No alliances, no opportunistic partnership is not able to hide, to conceal this truth.

Trump’s thoughts on this subject, it may not yet be “ripe”, but this is the main goal of the American establishment. The reason why they continue to support PYD, despite the insistence of Turkey, not ISIS (banned in Russia — approx. ed.) or terrorism, and the draft new maps for the region.

How the dialogue between Erdogan and trump will be able to take over this fact? If the US President thinks otherwise, if his intentions are good, then there’s only one problem: how trump could rule the US? How will he be able to keep their promises? How he will be able to implement their decisions? I believe that overcoming mistrust in the relations between Turkey and the United States is directly related to who will win in the settling of accounts between the establishment and the tramp.

And then they will open a “Turkish front”…

But what will happen, as long as this battle continues? Let us leave aside the disputes inside the United States. How Turkey will sustain the process? If we proceed from the President, Turkey will intervene in the moment when they feel threatened. This threat is obvious, it is close, deeply felt, and intervention will be inevitable.

In this case, in the future, we will be watching to see what Turkey will do against plans to redraw boundaries in the region. Because we know that the PYD / PKK (Kurdistan workers ‘ party) has concentrated all its forces in Syria and working on implementing these plans. In that moment, when they succeed, they will attack Turkey through this 900-kilometer border and open a “Turkish front”. And then against us is not only the PYD / PKK. And a lot of countries, and almost all of them “allies”.

The three leaders who will change the world: Putin, Erdogan and the tramp

The main attention in this article, I want to draw next. There is a new world lead and form strong leaders, run by strong leaders. State institutions, political discourse, the calculations of the established system — all this is for leaders. Early leaders aligned to the established system, and a new period established system take the form in accordance with the leaders. The most impressive examples in this regard — Putin, Erdogan and trump.

Putin revived Russia after the collapse of the Soviets, gave the state a new form, rebuilt the power structure inside the country. He transformed the state and consolidate the people around the ideal of the new Russia. Having completed the transformation inside, Putin started the game on a global scale and led to about many country centres. After the conversion of Russia, he started to leave deep scars on the world map of influence.

Erdogan declared victory in, the next step is outside!

President Erdogan fought against the intense pressure of the established system. He has devoted his life and came to these days, fighting an established system in the political rhetoric, the concept of power drawn road map. He made giant steps to restore Turkey. The achievement of success in transformation inside he was trying to make large steps outside.

Turkey with its historical claims, he tried to move into the future, from the “land front” of the cold war, he was trying to do “country-the centre” the XXI century. He overcame many internal and external interventions, the latter of which we experienced 15 Jul 2016. In a referendum on 16 April, the President won a Grand confrontation in the country and announced his victory. Sure, trump is following closely the methods of internal struggle, Erdogan and draws lessons.

For this reason, the referendum has ceased to be an internal matter and gave rise to strong pressure from the Western world. As a result of April 16, their areas of intervention within extremely weakened. From now on, we will see, and the whole world will see that Erdogan will leave much more obvious signs in the world.

Putin and Erdogan, two of the three leaders who will change the world, emerged victorious from settling scores in the country. Now they form a map of the global scale. In the new world formed by the leaders, they act as role models.

Trump will win in the civil war and change the axis USA

The third leader is the trump. His battle is still ongoing. Plans “to discipline and tame”, which has arisen since when he was a presidential candidate has turned into a bitter struggle. The struggle within the US will still grow. Fly a head to be harmed. Either the system will capture, engulf trump or trump transforms US, changes the axis of the United States.

But the established system of the USA can try to do something “special” to neutralize or trump to force him into anything. The September 11 attacks was something in this spirit. This time this can not occur through “terrorism”, but the last step that tries to do something like this.

Judging by the trends, this battle will win the trump.

Models Erdogan, Putin will manifest itself in the United States. Other countries may also try to nominate their leaders. It will be a world in which the leaders of the rapid pace go ahead and state institutions, political discourses trying to keep up with them.

Let’s prepare for this and take a position on the basis of this…

