The white house to the limit: we are almost helpless

In the words of one senior official from the White house, it was the worst day for trump during his presidency.

Tuesday morning the White house staff was thinking who leaked details of a secret conversation between President Donald trump with the Russian representatives about the information provided by the Israelis, and tried to limit the negative effects before trump’s visit to Jerusalem, which is to be held next week. And in the evening they are faced with the fact that the dismissal of FBI Director James Comey President directly asked him to stop the investigation on the relationship of the headquarters of the trump with Russia, and concerned about what might come out.

“Nobody knows what will happen, said one employee of the administration. — They all go and ask each other how it will end”.

Giving numerous interviews, White house staff have indicated that they feel under siege, not knowing who from intelligence reports the information to the media how serious the damage it can cause, when there will be another leak, and what can be said of trump.

The White house staff scurried up and down the offices of the West wing, arguing about things that can be said without disclosing confidential information and avoiding errors. Tired and limp Sean Spicer, reading press reports that he faces dismissal, however, continue to work 12 hours a day, sat down in his office together with the head of administration of the Rains was Ribosom.

Everywhere there was such impression, said another White house spokesman, that “we are practically helpless.”

Republicans can not stand steel. “We have seen this movie,’ said Senator John McCain at a luncheon at the International Republican Institute (International Republican Institute). — It seems that the scale this thing is almost as Watergate”.

Senior leaders from the White house learned about the material in the New York Times about the memo Komi Republic on the subject of the request trump two hours before it appeared online. Aides rushed to ask trump what he actually said Komi. But the White house did not have protocols and records of meetings to refute allegations made, said some officials. Trump has not given them even a full transcript of the conversation conducted in connection with the administration staff “are in the dark about what happened,” said one of them.

“We were not at the meeting, he said. — We about it had no idea. We still don’t know who said what”.

Another official laughed when asked whether trump made a record of this meeting, as he tweeted: “If so, none of us not heard.”

Trump was outraged by this whole story, said one of the members of the administration, but he withdrew to the residence of the White house after the publication of the material, leaving assistants to deal with, “how much damage”.

The white house issued a statement in which he questioned the accuracy of the memos Komi Republic. “This is not truthful and inaccurate summary of a conversation between the President and the Komi Republic”, — reads the statement of the White house.

Senior administration doubted the validity of the notes of Komi, asking why the former FBI Director had not voiced my concerns before, and why the acting head of the office Andrew McCabe (Andrew McCabe), said during recent testimony on Capitol hill, there was no interference.

But according to one adviser from the White house, inside the administration it is a real struggle on the question of who should be on TV because nobody knows what to say and how to defend his line. In the evening Fox News moderator Bret Baier (Bret Baier) told the audience that “today there are no Republicans willing to speak on camera”.

“There is a misconception that all these people want to come and protect us, — said one senior administration official. — Who are they? Do you want to call them? You know how to get them on TV?”

On the same day the national security adviser Herbert McMaster presented the main points to using them “slightly lowered temperature, without causing the fire, not creating a sensation, but at the same time, not denying the message appears,” said one knowledgeable employee.

However, White house officials today reluctantly signed the official statement in connection with the appeared messages, because trump is very often publicly contradict them on Twitter.

In addition, members of the administration are tired and dissatisfied with the reports of purges in the White house. Two of them said that may be under threat of dismissal, although trump privately assured the people that they are safe. This applies to Spicer, said one of its allies, stressing that people in public relations is rarely involved in decision-making, but then they have to do damage control.

Primus sits on all the meetings. ‘bannon got “some authority” by raking the debris, said one freelance adviser. Other senior officials believe that trump trust them.

“We don’t know what he’s telling his friends on the phone — said one employee of the White house. — We don’t know even really talked to trump people from the press who report such conversations.”

Increasing awareness of the fact that trump has made a series of missteps, because of which it took a dislike to the intelligence community, and possibly Komi Republic.

People familiar with the discussions in the White house, saying trump, preparing a resignation letter Komi Republic, was determined to write about the assurances of the Director of the FBI that no investigations against him is not conducted. These words, said one White house adviser, “will cause him more frustration than anything else”. After the letter was printed, strings of assurances Komi very alarmed administration officials, however, few people have seen this letter before its publication.

Within the administration, said one employee, many are beginning to understand that trump decided this weekend in new Jersey, where “none of us attended.”

Another employee said that trump’s comments criticizing the Komi Republic is “self-promotion” because they were made in the broadcast in the NBC program, which was led by Lester Holt (Lester Holt). And last Friday, trump came in the morning to the office to see your tweet about “the record” meetings with Komi.

When the world was reading trump’s tweets, his aides were in meetings in the West wing. After that, trump went to the Oval office.

“They’re in a terrible situation,’ said one adviser who knows trump for many years. — Although people wanted the problem of Komi is gone, he did nothing to make it happen”.

On Tuesday evening the White house had decided not to go on television and do not publish statements with the signatures. The officials gathered to discuss the upcoming foreign visit, the details of which are still unknown. But there is clearly concern that this visit will overshadow the news out of Washington.

White house officials said Tuesday night there will be no more reviews.

“And we hope the President will not be tweeting, — said one of them, knock, Knock, knock on wood”.

