India has its own reasons to boycott Chinese initiative of “One belt and one road”

India was the only major country to openly boycotted the forum on “One belt and one road”. She became the strongest opponent of the Chinese infrastructure project, covering the whole continent. At first glance, the causes of scepticism in new Delhi with the initiative of “One belt and one road” is not obvious. But everything becomes much clearer if you look at the situation through the prism of geopolitics.

The attitude of India to the project “One belt and one road” has changed over time. It has become more negative and hostile when let know the intentions of China in the subcontinent and in the Indian ocean. For starters, India stated that the flagship project “One belt one road” called China-Pakistan economic corridor will pass through the territory of which it considers itself. But even more important was the reluctance of Beijing to respond to requests for consent new Delhi to hold consultations about the purpose, nature and funding of the initiative “One belt and one road”. When China began one by one to present their infrastructure projects, sounded the alarms. The construction of ports and roads and means of China drove into debt, many countries, especially Sri Lanka. These States suffer from extortionate interest rates, corruption in the ranks of the political leadership and from attempts to influence their foreign policies when the governments are tied hand and foot.

It is present not in all the segments of the “One belt one road”, but such trends are most pronounced in the neighbouring Indian regions. If you take the example of the Pakistani corridor, then this project can make an important lesson. Hung on Pakistan the burden of debt, Beijing happily lured his closest ally in the trap. Scheme land project “One belt one road” is very revealing. In almost all cases, they connect foreign countries with China, but very rarely connect them to each other.

It becomes increasingly difficult to believe the arguments of Beijing that his intention to spend several trillion dollars worldwide is a generous gift to the world community. This should not be a surprise to anyone, and it’s not the most convincing argument against the “One belt one road”. The great powers quite often operate for the benefit of all the world, all stem from selfish motives. In any case, India never said that it would act to the detriment or will block Chinese projects in other countries for the simple reason that she has not signed on to this initiative. Unanswered is the question about why Beijing has so persistently insists that India approved the initiative “One belt and one road”, especially given the fact that China considers acceptable to act against new Delhi at almost all international forums, including the nuclear suppliers Group. As a minimum, required a far more transparent dialogue with new Delhi, which China has so far refused. Beijing forum should be a cautionary lesson about how the geopolitics of China whispers to the others.

