World day of the liver: understand your liver, protect it from disease

The liver is an important organ of the human body predisposed to disease. In today’s world day of the liver we need to understand the causes of its diseases, symptoms and preventive measures.

According to the world health organization, liver disease in India are in tenth place among the causes of death.

World liver day, celebrated annually on 19 April, is a chance to learn and understand how important the liver is for our body, and how to effectively treat liver disease.

The liver is the second largest organ of our body and it plays a key role in the digestive system. Through the liver takes everything we consume, including medications.

It fights infections, regulates the level of sugar in the blood, removes toxins, controls cholesterol, makes proteins and ejects bile, which helps digestion. Without the liver a person is not live, but it is easy to damage if you don’t take precautions.

Symptoms of liver damage occur very late. Diseases such as hepatitis a, b, C, hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis often occur due to improper lifestyle, excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs, the constant ingestion of junk food for long periods of time, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity.

Currently there is no medication to treat a severely damaged liver, therefore it is important to monitor this multifunctional organ and gland. The only way to escape in case of liver failure is her transplant.

On this world day of the liver company Fortis Healthcare encourages you to understand your liver and take care of her.

Causes of hepatic diseases can be hereditary or genetic:

• Unhealthy lifestyle and nutrition

• Infectious diseases hepatitis A, b and C

• Consumption of large amounts of alcohol and foods high in cholesterol

• Large body mass index with risk of type II diabetes

• Obesity

Symptoms of liver disease and liver cancer:

• Nausea and vomiting

• Sudden weight loss

• Loss of appetite or a feeling of fullness after a small meal

• General weakness and fatigue

• Pain in the upper abdomen (right or near right scapula)

• Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly)

• Enlargement of the spleen

• Bloating (ascites)

Prevention of liver diseases and care tips liver:

• Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet.

• Eat all the food groups: grains, proteins, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and fats. Include in your diet leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, regular cabbage, apples and nuts.

• Eat food with more fiber, like fresh fruit and vegetables, wholewheat bread, rice and cereals of the type of quinoa, millet and buckwheat.

• Be careful not to be infected by hepatitis A, b or C from blood transfusions.

• Keep personal hygiene, be sure to wash your hands after using the toilet.

• When traveling do not drink water from the tap.

• Abstain from alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

• Exercise regularly.

Director of liver transplants from heart Institute Fortis Escorts Dr. Vivek Wij (Vivek Vij) says: “As a key player in the digestive system, the liver processes everything we eat and drink, including medications. With a non-working liver people will not survive, and therefore, for this body needs careful care. Being a multifunctional organ, the liver is exposed to viruses, toxic substances, and pollutants that are present in water and food. But even under such powerful attacks, the liver is not in a hurry to complain, because it is a resistant and resilient part of our body. Often people with liver problems have no idea about the disease because they have very few or even no symptoms. Medicine has made major advances in the treatment of liver diseases, but to cure the liver is not yet possible. Therefore it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent damage to the liver and to do the necessary vaccinations against viruses that can cause her trouble.”

Dr. choudhrie’s Gurdas (Gourdas Choudhri), who heads the Department of gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases at the research Institute Fortis in Gurgaon, explains: “Cancer of the liver now takes up the fifth place among cancer annually claims millions of lives. The latest developments in the field of diagnosis and treatment have helped cure many patients. To be vigilant and regularly checked by a doctor, it help to detect liver cancer at an early stage. The second point that we must remember. Cancer almost always affects only the diseased liver. In these conditions it is impossible to overestimate the importance of medical checks and examinations for hepatitis b and C, as well as an active and healthy lifestyle, which helps to maintain the health of the liver”.

