Trump on NATO: “I said that it is outdated. She never dated”

On Wednesday, President trump has promised its full support of NATO, Reaffirming the obligations of States in relation to the Alliance, and said that he no longer considers it “obsolete”, having made a sharp change of course in relation to the rhetoric during the election campaign and in the first weeks of his tenure.

That day when the trump abruptly changed its position on several political issues, his statement at the NATO went beyond the usual serial criticism of the military Alliance and its significance for the allies.

More than a year, trump has repeated that NATO is a relic of the past and financial costs are too expensive for US. Constantly repeating the epithet “old”, he offered to replace it with an alternative organization, whose activities would concentrate on the terrorism. Not later than in January, trump showed that he continues to stick to the same position that has alarmed many countries-members of NATO. In an interview on January 15 for the Times of London and the German Bild trump said that NATO “is outdated, as it is not engaged in terrorism” and that those who criticized his remarks, “began to say that trump rights.”

During a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg (Jens Stoltenberg) on Wednesday afternoon trump announced that his critique prompted the Alliance to make some changes to satisfy him, although he did not specify which ones.

“I have long complained, and they made the changes — now they are fighting against terrorism, trump said, I said that it is outdated. She doesn’t date.”

It is unclear what changes the President spoke. In July, NATO introduced a new post of assistant Secretary-General for intelligence and security, but experts say that this change will slightly affect the activities of the organization, and indicate that NATO has long been involved in issues of terrorism. Four months after the introduction of the new position of the tramp still continued to call NATO obsolete.

Stoltenberg said that the President “rights,” but described the change in very different terms.

“We have created a new intelligence unit that will expand our ability to combat terrorism and will allow you to collaborate even more effectively in the framework of the Alliance with the aim to win, Stoltenberg said, but today we, you and I, agree that NATO can and should do more to global fight against terrorism.”

Despite the rhetoric of the election campaign, trump and his assistants regularly offered support for NATO, since the President took office. The President has pledged to attend the meeting of NATO countries 25 may in Brussels during his first foreign trip as Secretary of state Rex Tillerson (Rex Tillerson) attended meetings of the Alliance at the end of March.

In short, trump once again called on NATO members “to fulfill its financial obligations and to pay what you owe”, noting that members of the Alliance are expected to allocate 2% of their GDP on defense. Stoltenberg confirmed it, assuring that the best distribution of the financial burden between the two countries was his main priority.

Later, trump said that he asked Stoltenberg to collect from member countries late payments, what Stoltenberg verbal consent is not given. Trump has continuously presented the financial obligations of the countries-members of NATO in a distorted way, saying that they “owed a huge amount of” contributions and that the situation is unfair to US. The members of NATO no debts on contributions and have no arrears.

Trump also thanked the members of NATO because they condemn the use of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of chemical weapons and “the barbaric murder of young helpless children and babies.” At some point, the trump called the Syrian President a “butcher”.

On Wednesday, the tramp has departed, and several other items that are adhered to in the year of his election campaign. In the beginning of the day, the government lifted the freeze recruitment in the Federal government, which promised to introduce trump, although departments were told to find other ways to reduce headcount. Then in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, the President said that he no longer believes China is a currency manipulator, and now he supports lower interest rates and the export-import Bank of the United States, and will consider the re-appointment of the Chairman of the Federal reserve system Janet L. Yellen (Janet L. Yellen), when its service life expires in the next year, though during his campaign he said he “likely” would not appoint her again.

Last week, trump relinquished its conventional view that the U.S. should not intervene in the fighting in Syria, endorsing an attack on a Syrian airfield.

“I felt we had to do something, — said trump on Wednesday about the bombing in Syria I Have no doubt that we did the right thing. And it was very, very successful, as you well know.”

