Maundy Thursday: what not to do in this day

Today celebrate Maundy Thursday. On this day, remember the last supper when Jesus instituted Holy Communion, when the faithful partake of wine and bread, meaning them the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

During the last supper on Maundy Thursday Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, showing thus an example of brotherly love and humility.

In people, this day is called Clean, because before Easter it is customary to clean the soul with prayer.

Of Holy Thursday begin preparing for Easter.

That in the day you need to cleanse the body and soul, known to many. But on Maundy Thursday, there are more restrictions.

Previously it was thought that he who is in Net Thursday in the house the dirt was dissolved, the whole year will live in dirt and quarrels.

It is believed that on this day you can not give anything valuable from the house and to borrow money, because together with the values you can “give” and well-being.

While cooking for Easter can not be broken post.

In the preparation of cakes and other festive cakes need to be in good spirits and have good intentions.

