Trump takes up the Palestinian-Israeli conflict

The American President reasonably argues that in any case it will bring him political dividends. Even if the process will not bring real results, its promotion will enhance the international reputation of trump.

President Donald Trump had to endure in the last days of rather unpleasant events. Even for a politician who has been in a sticky situation, received in his address insults and ridicule, the last few days were particularly difficult. The Senate Committee rejected the approval of trump, that President Barack Obama was eavesdropping on his telephone conversations; fixed decree on the limitation of entry into the United States citizens of some Muslim countries was again blocked by a Federal judge; failed attempt of the Republicans to approve the alternative insurance program of the Obama administration; builds up more suspicions concerning close relations close trump of Russia: meeting with Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel also hard to call successful.

But it is precisely in these difficult days of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which had fallen into depression, all American presidents in recent decades, suddenly began to trump’s preferred theme. At that time, like all American media reported about the failures of the new President, the messenger of the trump in the middle East, attorney Jason Grinblat, held talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Abu Mazen met with representatives of the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria with Palestinian students, and also with the king of Jordan. Throughout the current middle East situation, the President trump is the most stabilizing factor.

Many Western diplomats and senior UN staff was surprised that Donald trump refers to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a problem of great urgency. Unlike a number of other international problems within the American political establishment there is a consensus in this matter. Both Democrats and Republicans are convinced that there must be found a political solution to the conflict. And they both agree that the United States plays the key role as the main mediator. Trump really captured his benefit: his part in promoting the negotiation process between Israelis and Palestinians can bring many benefits — not just among his supporters but among opponents, even those who could not accept his presidential status.

Diplomats believe that after a conversation with the foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, the tramp came to the conclusion that the intense activities for the resumption of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian authority will significantly improve relations with the new American administration with Riyadh and principalities of the Persian Gulf. This factor also proved important for American leadership.


