11-year-old girl who was left without a mother after a terrible accident, looking for dad’s wife

11-year-old Alano peskun from the village of Gnivan near Vinnitsa for several years looking for a woman who will replace her dead mother, and her father will become a wife. The girl’s mother died 6 years ago, when riding on a scooter with a friend. She was hit and dragged by the hair machine. Since then daddy Mike has a daughter himself, and she on the Internet looking for his wife.

“The most important thing that aunt loved me and dad. My dad is very good, loves children, only smoke here,” said the girl. Dasha tells that the family already acquainted with my dad a lot of someone, but no one likes fat, ugly. Dasha wants that the new mother was somewhat similar to her own mother – a brunette with long hair. Now the girl helps to bring the grandmother – mother father. And the Pope himself have not believed that it will be able to find a wife. “Now women are lazy, don’t want to take care of. My first wife would get up at 4-5 am, all cooked, slo me at work gather around the house will do. Valentine even though he was younger than me by 13 years, the two had an understanding. And now all I want to own just a rich man, for they did everything,” says the 45-year-old welder Michael.

The man said that his wife was hit by a master of his work, when he went to work in the Crimea. By the way, the master then was not arrested, but he died some time after an accident at the plant. Michael says that even forgot what it’s like to go on a date or sit in a woman in a cafe. The salary of welder is low, always need part-time work. Daughter, allows everything, Darina is very independent, but school performance is average. “I could have straight a’s, she’s smart, but to engage with the daughter of nobody, I myself constantly at work,” says Michael.

