Poroshenko ordered to strengthen the protection of foreign dipuchrezhdeny in Ukraine

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in response to the shelling of the Consulate General of Poland in Lutsk instructed to protect foreign diplomatic and consular offices. About this he wrote on Twitter.

“To prevent possible provocations instructed to strengthen the protection of foreign diplomatic and consular establishments in Ukraine”, – wrote Poroshenko.

Also Petro Poroshenko has condemned the attack on the Consulate General of Poland in Lutsk and called as soon as possible to find the perpetrators.

We will remind, in the night of March 29, unidentified persons shelled the building of the Consulate General of Poland in Lutsk. The police do not exclude that shot from the grenade launcher, the projectile exploded inside the building.

In connection with the incident , the Polish foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Ukraine in Warsaw Andrey Deshchitsa has promised to send a note of protest due to the attack on the Consulate General.

