The militants have also made themselves felt: the Chechen prospects for Putin

Because Boronenkov and Blakley by news feed held another event. Maybe due to the fact that there is no “treason”? In Chechnya rebels attacked a military unit in Regardie. The incident killed 6 Russian security forces. If this had happened in one day in the Donbas and if that were our soldiers — that would be a tragedy for our country.

The factor of Chechnya for a long time will determine the internal policy of Russia. Presenting the conclusion of the second Chechen war as a victory for the feds, the Empire continues to pay “tribute” to the occupied territories. The subsidies of the Kremlin’s Chechnya today is one of the largest among Russian regions, and in terms of per population is the highest.

However, the events that occurred in the night of Friday, indicate a number of features:

1. Russia so carefully presents its achievements on the foreign front — in fact, Imperial ambitions, to divert attention from their own problems of separatism, and a significant panic expectations of Russian society from its own citizens — especially those of the Chechens. In this sense, more tolerant of the Ukrainians, an enemy of convenience for public opinion than bellicose Caucasians.

2. Forming a significant group of countries where Russians don’t like artificially creating around Russia a zone of hate — as part of the national idea (a country under siege), the Russians will always take risks because the part of movers of the “zone of hate” can always strike back. Not inspired, FSB bumps, and these bumps.

3. Partial frustration of the militants of the “Islamic state” (banned in Russia organization — approx. ed.) after the defeat in Syria will lead to the fact that the part of combatants to return home and strengthen internal insurgent groups, including in Chechnya.

This suggests that the threat of an escalation in hot spots of Russia are in “standby mode”. And if Chechnya breaks out again, it will require Russia to a dramatic shift attention to other events. Syria, Ukraine, new “hot spots” outside the Empire. And who knows whether ideological machine to divert attention from internal bloodshed.

And especially this issue may be exacerbated on the eve of the presidential elections to be held in a year. Putin has built his image on security. But if it turns out that this safety is illusory, that Russia is again torn bloody separatism, the population may be greatly disappointed in the “good Tsar”.

And Putin many international players crossed the road. It is possible that the spokes in the wheel start to put him. The world is changing.


