Japanese urged to change the licence on funeral discounts

Japanese companies have begun to offer older drivers to surrender their driving licence in exchange for a discount when obtaining a funeral service, BBC reports.

As reported by the Japanese media recently, the country has increased accidents involving older drivers, which, in particular, confusing the brake pedal with the gas pedal and mistakenly go into reverse gear.

So, one of the funeral homes in Aichi Prefecture has offered a discount of 15% for those older people who are willing to surrender your driver’s license. Wishing to receive a discount must provide proof that their driver’s license transferred to the local police Department. Discounts can also extend to family members of an elderly driver, noted in the company.

In 2015, in Japan, there were about 4.8 million driving licence holders aged over 75 years, and in the same year dramatically increased the number of accidents involving elderly motorists.

