Food intolerance is more dangerous than an Allergy

The term food intolerance (food intolerance) realize unrelated to allergies adverse reactions to food intake related to inability to absorb some foods, or their components, writes

Many people know almost nothing about food intolerance, which causes much greater harm than the Allergy. Throughout his life every third Ukrainian citizen loses the ability to properly digest milk and dairy products; every hundredth grains (wheat, rye, barley); often found intolerance to peas, mushrooms, strawberries, etc. According to studies, 80% of the population have an intolerance to one or more products, you do not suspect, since the reaction of the body to harmful product appears after two or more days after consumption.

A classic example of food intolerance is intolerance to the cereal protein gluten – celiac disease, or celiac disease. Today the signs of celiac enteropathy expressed to a greater or lesser extent every hundredth inhabitant of Kiev.

Do not confuse intolerance with Allergy

During his life the average person eats approximately 100 tons of food, each of which can cause an allergic reaction. Allergies to food suffers not more than 2% of the adult population, but know about it all, because the symptoms (skin redness, rash, runny nose, asthmatic phenomena) occur immediately after eating the product-allergen. In most cases, the reception of antiallergic drugs and limiting contact with allergens allow to cope with the problem.

Causes of food intolerance

In a healthy organism all the products in the gastrointestinal tract are broken down into small particles, which then enter the blood. However, digestive problems can occur the absorption of large macromolecules nezapravlenny (transcytosis). Opening transcytosis allowed to reveal the mechanisms of the emergence of a hidden food intolerance.

Diseases of the organs of digestion, lack of enzymes, allergic to foods, stress, and especially themselves, food and their contained substances (preservatives, dyes, etc.) can contribute to food intolerance.

Why is it dangerous?

The body’s immune system, sensing macromolecule as an alien, includes protective mechanisms and produces to combat them antibodies. Antibodies bind to foreign molecules and remove them from the body. Battlefield is the whole organism from the gut wall, through which macromolecules penetrate into the blood and any organ where they can be carried with the blood flow to the kidneys, leading out excess fluid and toxins from the body. In the affected organs is caused by chronic inflammation, leading to the progressive deterioration of the internal organs.

As a result, the eating problem product is not completely pointless – it loses all its nutritional value for the body, but also harmful.

Be careful, intolerable among your products can be as important as vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk and milk products with special nutritional value due to high content of vitamins and minerals.

Food intolerance can be the cause of metabolic disorders

It turns out that a congenital or acquired intolerance to certain foods is one of the major causes of metabolic disorders in the body that leads to excess weight and a whole bunch of chronic diseases.

Food intolerance masquerades as a variety of diseases. The deposition in fat cells is poorly digestible components and fluid retention in the tissues due to the impaired renal function leads to a steady rise in body mass.

Problems with the intestines and skin, obesity, eczema, migraine, asthma, thyroid disease, hypertension, gallstones and kidney, diabetes, premature aging and many more can be directly linked to existing intolerance products.

Diagnosis of intolerance of products

To detect the intolerance is quite simple – today it is easily diagnosed using specific laboratory tests, which are based on the study of the properties of blood after contact with an extract of a food product.

One of these tests – FED test allows not only to see the reaction to the product or not, but also to determine how strong the reaction is. Changes in diet and lifestyle in many cases even without medication to successfully combat diseases that were previously considered chronic.

If you notice that:

– began to gain weight or Vice versa can’t do, despite all the efforts made in the absence of diseases of the endocrine system;

– you are haunted by fatigue, irritability, you feel like a squeezed lemon;

after eating any foods (even in small numbers) there is a weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract;

– there are allergic reaction to an allergen that doctors cannot determine;
there were problems with the skin, rash, itching;

– you periodically disturbed swelling, causeless pain in the joints and muscle pain –

If you experience these symptoms, do a test for intolerance to foods may this is the main cause of your problems.

