Smartphones White house staff took to check media

The staff of the White house to check a smartphone with the purpose to prevent leaks of sensitive information to the press. This idea was suggested by the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer, told the American newspaper Politico, citing its sources.

According to them, the Spicer convened the staff of the White house responsible for communicating with the media, expressed his disappointment with constant leaks to the press information about the actions of the US administration. He asked everyone to give the phone for service check to confirm that “they have nothing to hide”. The actions of the Spicer were consistent with the legal counsel of the White house Don Makhana, who sent his assistants to assist in this process.

Press Secretary warned the audience that, under American law, they are prohibited from using instant messaging applications for smartphones that send encrypted information, and then completely remove it from the device.

According to sources, under internal review, to be conducted in an arbitrary order, are not only phones, but also any electronics that are employees of the White house. Spicer also stated that if information about these checks will be in the press, his staff “will be a big problem.”

The President of the United States Donald trump in recent months has regularly criticized in many leading media, including CNN and The New York Times. He accused journalists of publications that are not true, and references to nonexistent sources. The President of the United States, in particular, promised that he would fight against the illegal leak of information.

