What is metabolic syndrome and how it can harm health

Metabolic syndrome occurs because of metabolic disorders. How to normalize metabolic processes?

Every year the food gets better. And it is connected not so much with the variety of food consumed, but rather to their qualitative composition. Even eating healthy in the conventional sense products, you can’t be sure of their absorption and adobovskogo.

The conditions of modern production are deprived of many of the products their utility and substances that are needed by the body to complete the work. This leads to the fact that people consume unbalanced food, and as a consequence increases the frequency of diseases associated with incorrect, redundant power.

One of the leading places among the diseases associated with violation of metabolism, is metabolic syndrome. Its development is due to the fact that the tissues become insensitive to insulin. This increases the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes type 2 diabetes.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome is proper diet and getting the necessary nutrients. To adjust the metabolism will help including sufficient intake of substances such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals. But as the modern products are very difficult to balance your diet, often the medical community recommends the use of dietary supplements that contain the entire complex of vital components.

For example, multinutrient functional-peptide complex “Genitalia” (MNC “Grinization”), contains about 700 biologically active substances of natural origin.

In metabolic syndrome substance “Grinization” provide the following corrective action:

  • normalize fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduce the blood harmful cholesterol and increase the good content at the expense of vitamins, macro – and micronutrients, which are involved in the synthesis of essential body substances;
  • reduce the weight and size of the body;
  • normalize the level of glucose in the blood;
  • help reduce pressure.

“Grinization” can be recommended to patients with metabolic syndrome to improve health, restore metabolism and normalization of blood chemistry (glucose and cholesterol).

“Genitalia” improves overall health, increases vitality, reduces weakness, normalizes weight.

Learn more about the action of Ganizatio on the official website grinization.com.ua.

