The doctors found physical exercises that restore the human DNA

Disposable endurance training is enough to start the expression of genes responsible for the restoration of damaged areas of DNA.

This was reported by American and Brazilian doctors, who called an effective way of starting the in vivo reconstruction of human DNA.

The corresponding study was published in the journal Experimental Physiology, briefly about it, reports EurekAlert!

The experiment was conducted on mice: the rodents in engaged for half an hour on the treadmill. At the same time, the specialists monitored the gene expression of animals responsible for the functioning of the myocardium. As noted by scholars, in rodents after exercising on a treadmill, its level was higher than in mice, which is in a calm state.

However, the study authors note that the results hold true for humans, the body which regulation of genes is carried out in a similar way.

Scientists recommend as much to do with endurance training.

