“Right” and “wrong” Russian

A few weeks ago, my Facebook exploded from the surge of emotion is one of the Narva guy recorded a rap about how he is Russian, loves Estonia. Guy is so nice that when I watched his clip, my face involuntarily broke into a smile. However, pretty soon that smile fell off him.

I’m not a big fan of rap, and I do not presume to judge on its artistic aspect. However, simple words of this recitative and socio-political idea was quite easy to understand. The guy sincerely says that one should not blame other people for their own problems. Under “other” he understands not a hundred immigrant neighbor with a yapping little dog or a nasty coworker in the office. No, here he is referring to the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia — approx. ed.). Because for the last two and a half decades, various authorities tried hard to create a United and equitable society.

And then follows a chorus: “If you don’t like it, just pass by and go your own way”. Because that is exactly what solved this problem — one side only and silent as he can, trying to adapt to the situation at the time as the other congratulates herself with a beautiful solution to the conflict. Yes, it’s just fantastic! Because this approach ensures that the later decision doesn’t backfire the other side, in whose hands now more power.

Circus and poodles

Obviously, my irritation was caused not so much the song itself, as the guy is really nice, as the reaction to it in my Estonian Facebook. Someone was just fascinated, and some guy named “icebreaker”, noting that it is these we need to have more!

Then what is the problem? On the one hand, there’s a really important truth, and it is located in the place where the author dares to admit that his own side is nice to his heart. And since the song doesn’t once repeated also the phrase in Estonian “kui sul ei meeldi midagi siis lihtsalt mine mööda” (i.e., literally: don’t whine if you don’t like something, just pass by), the euphoria of “indigenous Estonians” causes me concern because I suspect that they simply do not understand the real connections. Honestly, to some extent, I even hope so.

Conversations on the theme of “Noah” certainly is as legitimate as any other. This is debatable, but you can agree, however, this conversation should take place in the circle of participants, at least to some extent, located at a close social level. What can be said about my Estonian friends even if only for the reason that it is in our state.

This phenomenon well explains the concept of intersectionality — the ability to see how the different signs, intertwined, affect allocation to benefit people, and thus their ability to survive in our society. For this reason, my friends from the indigenous Estonians, even at the biggest desire, and have not reached “the right level”. And this is not something that they could in any way be affected. Yes, we are all Estonians, but we all have very different background and different starting points, so our experience does not intersect. In turn, this initial context affects what we perceive the society and the state. For example, we have in Estonia is still very difficult to include in conversation on the topic of feminism the fact that not all women in Estonia are the same or that the difference in salary is not only depending on gender, but also from linguistic indicators.

Authenticity as a weapon of propaganda

Loud cries of approval telling me only one thing — my Estonian friends found themselves in the guy’s face “model Russian”, which should be equal to all non-Estonians. And maybe don’t need so hard to deal with the integration — we already have this guy here from it and move on. And even the fact that he was invited to the Riigikogu, is not encouraging, but makes you think about what the thesis of “if you don’t like something, don’t complain” may become our new slogan. Only I want to ask, what should not be whining? It’s just a continuation of the popular phrase that “if you don’t like it, go to Russia.” So why is she applauds at the national level?

Some now, of course, can say: “But Russians also commented on this video, put the huskies and praised”. Indeed, he commented. However, comments were divided into two camps. Some shouted: “well Done!”, other argued that “of course, you can love this state, but it’s not.” This option is somehow often ignored. That is why the main thesis of the song to the fore only one idea — stay below the grass and quieter water.

Thus, if the song will spread in the circle “other”, it would be a dialogue, regardless of whether they agree with her idea or challenge it. However, when it comes to the level of the Riigikogu, the ratio changes, and the dialogue turns into an order. The main focus now moves to how much power, social status and even legitimacy is society and who exactly. And if one of “the other” will begin to give useful guidance, “his”, and more legitimate layer in the state will give him for this “title” that is nothing like a dancing circus poodle?

It is for this reason I do not agree that the guy was “proper” Russian. Don’t get me wrong — the state should make every effort in order that our society is unified. However, at the same time needs to take place and the dialogues like this song. While all of these processes must take place in parallel, not merging into a single stream, because thereby they lose their authenticity. And the song, which was written by a regular guy, transformed into an instrument of propaganda.

So let’s take another try, only this time think about the total and holistic picture.

