The working party of Norway supported the introduction of the third floor

You don’t need the passport to identify their gender as male or female — in the future you will be able to determine the gender of as “it”. The working party proposes to introduce the category of third gender.

In the new draft of the party program on 2017-2021 year, the working party wrote that “we need to discuss the introduction of the category of the third sex.”

“People who don’t define themselves as male or female, will now have the legal ability to have third gender” — said the head of the youth branch of the Labour party Mani Husseini in an interview with NRK.

NRK: What does it mean to get a legal third sex?

Mani Husseini: I believe that all people should have the opportunity to live in accordance with their identity, and in this case, it is necessary that the laws were adapted to reality, not Vice versa.

According to the Swedish model

Sweden introduced a gender category, which is called “it.” That’s what you want in Norway?

— I believe that, for example, the passport should not be written “man” or “woman”, but must be that the person belongs to the third gender category, i.e. the category “it”.

— You write in the program that are considering the introduction of this category. Has the party unity on this issue, or are there large differences?

— In my opinion, there is a strong sentiment in favor of having to enter the category of third gender, but I think there are a lot of questions about how it should be done. In particular, the question you asked. But I am quite convinced that it can be done.

The Centre party does not accept “it”

Chersti Torre (Kjersti Toppe), a representative of the Party of the Centre for health, disagrees with the category of the third sex.


“We voted against the third category of gender, when the issue was debated in the Storting. From my point of view, the Centre Party did not support the amendment of the law in this matter. This issue is not a priority in our program.”

When in April 2016 party Venstre (Left) proposed to introduce the category of third gender, this proposal was supported in Parliament only the socialist left party and the Green Party.

The representative of Venstre Cecil, Canset (Kjetil Kjenseth) then said in an interview with NTB: “It was expected, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. Category the third floor will be introduced also in Norway. The offer is a lot of support among young representatives of many parties.”

“The question of the introduction is considered”
Torre from the Centre Party also has questions to the formulation of “the question of the introduction is considered” in the Labour party: “When they wrote “considered”, it is not clear policy formulation. I respect the statement of the problem and the debate. This is a real problem, but a change in the law for the introduction of a third category of sex belongs to all of us. Discussion of this proposal in the Party of the Centre — far in the future”.

When we asked the head of the youth branch of the Labour party about support of other parties, he replied: “I see it as a movement. When the biggest party in the country raises a question, I expect that everyone else will follow her.”

The original proposal for the introduction of the category of the third sex came from the youth branch of the Labour party, and is now one of the paragraphs of the draft programme of the Working party in the next parliamentary period.

