What will the Council on morality

Stormy discussion was caused by the news about the intention of the Ministry of culture to return the National Commission for public morality. The Ministry hastened to assure: the Commission will not be only an interim Board. “Today” figured out what to do this advice and is it necessary at all.

ASIDE PANIC. The national Commission for the protection of public morality was already working in Ukraine until March 2015. She was engaged in check of activity of mass media, legal entities engaged in organization of mass events, sellers of products of sexual or erotic character, the identification of products with elements of violence and cruelty. But in February 2015 BP started the process of liquidation of the Commission for the purpose of economy of budget money — it was part of the coalition agreement. To complete the process of elimination was only a year later in February of 2016.

Today in Russia they say that the office has become mired in legal conflicts. “A meeting was held, which was attended by representatives of the state Committee, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of culture and representatives of creative unions. It is on the creative unions, according to the Law “On protection of public morality”, act of public control over its implementation. But as creative unions are not inherent in the control function, the Ministry of culture took the initiative to seek clarification from the relevant committees of the Rada, — explain in Department. — The same law entrusts the Ministry of culture the statement “criteria for assigning products to having pornographic character”. Since the Ministry of culture is unable to perform the expert function in this matter, it was decided to create an Advisory body of the Ministry of culture — Council of experts for the protection of public morality”. While in office, assure that the Council will deal exclusively with life “pornocratie”, after which it will cease to exist. Criteria the Agency promises to put out for public comment and then approve.

According to experts, the return of the national Commission on morality, albeit in the form of the interim Board is absolutely not what is needed now Ukraine. “The whole world now is on the path of liberalization, and a Commission such as this with the restraining powers are a step backwards. From a political point of view, they need for the depersonalization of responsibility for unpopular decisions when responsible for them, not a specific person, and staff”, — said political analyst Volodymyr Fesenko.

IN THE WORLD. In the Russian media and Internet is controlled by a special body, the Roskomnadzor. He recently banned the access of Russians to the world’s biggest porn site. Also in 2013 Roskomnadzor has received a right without a court order to block any sites with appeals to mass riots. In Belarus these functions are handled by the Ministry of information there routinely close Newspapers, news sites, and even censored some Russian TV. But perhaps the most severe control over the morals of its citizens is carried out in Arab countries. For example, in Saudi Arabia are Sharia guard and the religious police, who patrol the streets on the subject of drinking of alcohol, prostitution, of decency in clothing and compliance with the permissible distances between men and women in the relationship.

