Education abroad: in South Korea, a lot to memorize and I’m afraid to skip

South Korea in many rankings listed as a country with one of the most advanced systems of education. Our own countrymen describe it as clear and transparent, but stale and unconditional Koreans teach young people in some cases preventing their personal opinion and vision, and closer to the end of school, require special creativity and zeal forward. “Today” has learned from Ukrainians living in Korea, as learning in local schools and how knowledge is produced in the pupil, and also how to go to College and what rules he must strictly follow while training.

Korea is a country of students-cramming: many students memorize. Entrant may not enter the University even due to school absenteeism without a valid reason, and as a student, needs to promote its publications without “cronyism”.


As soon as it comes to enrolling in school, all the education, which was previously (and indulging), is replaced by rigidity and severity. It happens once in a moment. “The behavior of the parents change drastically and dramatically, though still with child this warning with the words “I’ll go to school, then…” — says Natalya Semenchuk, who for two years lived in Korea. Literally from the first day at school the impression that children did not, and begins the “army discipline”. I was very surprised, but my fellow Koreans explain that it only looks that way from outside”. At the same time, families have one responsibility: the education of a child right attitude to work, respect for elders and mutual support. And it is not simple words: “Children unconditionally assume the role of adults: they must go school to learn and to perform homework, and some chores to do,” says Natalia.

LEARNING. The lessons are very intense: responsible for almost all students. Many schools have extended-day groups, where children memorize texts, poems, formulas, and those who do not understand, get advice. “Many learn by heart, and in the case of a hospital are required to catch up the missed (including heart) — says the Ukrainian. — And you need to teach the conscience: a common practice in school that asks the learned 3-10 or even 20 lessons. The concept is, if the material is learned and reinforced by memorized text, it is impossible to forget”.

The school has 12 years, several times a year is a rating of the best students. It is especially important to be in the forefront towards the end of the school: it is almost a guarantee of admission to the University. Parents follow the rating, and if they are concerned about academic performance, giving children in special schools — “hawkey” where they tighten knowledge.

An important feature of the schools in South Korea, compared to, for example, a Ukrainian, is that girls and boys learn in different institutions, and classes account for up to fifty children. “A mystery to me, how to maintain discipline in such classes. But Korean families don’t see the problem. According to them, the authority of teachers is undeniable, but children are severely punished,” — says Natalia.


Universities in Korea there are public (free) and private (paid for). To go after school, to University, industrial, professional, technical, pedagogical College or the College of distance education, Korean students must not only pass the required school exams and to provide the requested information about the previous studies. “At one University may ask a private matter, are taken into account all the achievements of the former student. These may be permanent first place in the school rankings, special merits for the city (like our competition) and sporting achievements, — says Natalya Semenchuk. — Each University has different requirements, depending on the form of ownership. There are those which need the results of the state exam in math or need to pass the exam with the writing of the statement.”

Each institution makes its own admission requirements.

To go to state College quite difficult. But usually by the 7-8 class and the student and his family know to be a child, and they have time to accumulate payment for the year (from $2 to $6 thousand per semester, дешtвле only the faculty of Humanities, expensive — medical)”. Pay may not be so many families having two or three children, not just to give everyone education, with an average salary of about $2500-3500.

In the study the students freedom does not allow. First, it depends on wants in the future to deal with the employer, and secondly, one of the biggest shame is if the student is expelled or if he can’t say he is one of the best.

Seated one. To write off in the classroom impossible.


In the process of studying at University great attention is paid to how motivated a student. Recognition must be at a very high level: he just can’t be excellent, if not engaged in research or other scholarly activities, and did not go beyond the educational institution, city and country. “The student must achieve a minimum of publications in international journals, — says Natalya. — Achievements are not listed below. All due to the fact that the country is “nepotism” from the series: “I am your son the article will publish, and you’re my nephew contract for the supply of such materials sign”. And international level that cuts out”.

Employers in advance look to the universities who “forged frames” in their field. In some cases, corporations are even ready to pay for the tuition of the selected students, and they sign a contract, commitment after graduation to work in this company for a specified period without the right to leave (salary paid to such employee).

