How to pay less for electricity and when electricity is more expensive

In Ukraine over the past few years electricity for Ukrainians has risen several times. To tariff consumers can not influence, however, significantly reduce their consumption, along with the amounts in the payment can any family. The website “Segodnia” figured out how to pay less for electricity.

The most energy, explains the Manager of project management at DTEK ESKO Sergei Svistun, consumes the fridge. While its power consumption is affected by several factors: the temperature in the room, the proximity to the wall, and most importantly – energy efficiency class. New refrigerators of class A and above use less light, and more. The average refrigerator for a month pulls from 30 to 70 kilowatt*hour.

Electric stove per hour can “eat” 1.6 kW of electricity. If every day to use the stove one hour a month “cheat” to 50 kWh.

If every day for five hours to use the computer and the monitor average power, the day can go to 1.1 kWh for the month is 33 kWh. At the moment, using more than 100 kW, 33 kW will have to pay 42,5 hryvnia. The owners of gaming system unit with large monitor will have to pay more – up to 90 kWh (116 Euro), provided, if the daily use of a computer for five hours.

At the same time, even a modern TV, if you use no more than five hours every day for a month is unlikely to wound more than 20 kWh (25.8 USD).
We will remind that from April 2015 NKREKU raise tariffs for the population according to a strict schedule in 5 stages, 4 of which have already taken place. In the end, the light for the Ukrainians with 2015 to 2017 will rise by 2.6 times:
* from 30.8 to 90 cents per kWh in the volume of consumption up to 100 kWh per month;
* from 41.9 to 186 cents kWh if consumption more than 100 and up to 600 kWh per month;
* from 134 to 168 cents kWh for usage over 600 kWh per month.

To pay less, expert advises:

  • to turn the lights off
  • not to leave on the night included appliances
  • to tie the night the boiler
  • replace incandescent bulbs in those places where often the light is
  • if possible, replace old appliances with new high energy efficiency class

