Scientists have discovered a viagra for the brain

“Hormone kisses” kisspeptin, which was opened in 1999, can be considered “viagra” for the brain.

This was reported by researchers from Imperial College London, publishing their study in the journal of Clinical Investigation.

According to scientists, kisspeptin produced by the body and stimulates the production of substances related to reproduction.

The study was performed in 29 heterosexual young males.

It turned out that injection kisspeptin enhance the brain’s response to sexual and romantic photos of couples. After injection, the MRI showed increased activity in areas of the brain normally activated by sexual arousal and romantic mood. At the same time on neutral images reaction has not changed.

Scientists believe that kisspeptin may play a role in the stimulation of certain emotions and reactions, leading to sex and reproduction, and I hope that it can be used for the treatment of psychoemotional disorders. In the future they plan to conduct a similar study as men and women.

