Expensive food and communal: Ukrainians tipped noticeable rise in prices

Economists no longer expect slow inflation

Ukraine remains a record low inflation – according to the state service statistics for the six months rose by 2% compared to December 2020. But the situation may soon change, say respondents site the experts Today.

Experts say that in the third quarter, inflation will accelerate, and the traditional year of zero growth in prices, not to mention their decline, it is hardly expected.

“In September can get cheaper apples as they expected a good harvest, prices can fall twice as much as this, – predicts the head of the National Council of economic development Alexey Doroshenko. But the money is still going to be very expensive – 24-26 UAH per kilo of Ukrainian apples. Will be seasonal decline in prices of tomatoes, onions and other vegetables, but as it turns out, while it is difficult to predict. But the decline in prices for utilities, primarily gas, will change their growth. As preparation begins for the new heating season, and demand for gas in the world will grow. Overall inflation for July-September will be 1-1,5%”.

Too low: the Finance Ministry explained how should increase inflation in Ukraine

According to a member of the Economic discussion club Oleg Penzin, by the end of the year inflation will reach the budgeted 9% annual price growth, and even exceed them. In the third quarter, price increases, he estimates, will be about 3%, which is much more normal for this quarter of 0.5-1% inflation. While not without rise in price of popular products.

“The rapid growth of prices for agricultural products is expected in the next marketing year that begins Aug. The largest growth rates will be potatoes. Potato harvest we will have even less than last year, as many fields in Western Ukraine were killed by rains and floods. Cheap imports may not count. For example, Belarus introduced a potato in the list of prohibited export goods, along with garlic and onions,” says Pendzin.

Read more about the situation of prices read on the “Today” in the article “Quarantine has kept price growth in Ukraine: what price will rise in the autumn.”

