Granma (Cuba): heroism

They were able to accomplish unprecedented feats in defense of their Homeland against the aggressor, fighting for peace in the world. Not knowing them, a war criminal Adolf Hitler believed that with “Barbarossa”, it is a short period of time subdue invincible people.

Like many others, he underestimated the patriotism of the Soviet people, who immediately stood in defense of their homeland. The Great Patriotic War.

Thanks to the dedication of the Soviet Army and the Soviet Union during the Second world war, human civilization was saved from misery and barbarism. It has saved millions of lives. At that time all the people have made unprecedented feats.

Alexander Matrosov closed with his body the barrel of an enemy machine gun during the battle for the village Chernushki, thus the attack on the German positions to their comrades.

Dmitriy Ovcharenko, fighter machine-gun company 389 regiment of the 9th Army of the southern front were surrounded by two trucks with 50 German soldiers and three officers. With the axe and grenades, he destroyed 21 German, and the rest fled in terror.

Military pilot, Alexey Maresyev was shot down over Nazi-occupied territory. Badly wounded, he in 18 days were able to reach positions of Soviet troops. Due to the severe injuries he had to amputate both legs around the knees. After a year of intensive training, he learned to control prostheses and sat behind the wheel of the aircraft. It was a “real person” who has never bent. Neither the enemy, nor the vicissitudes of life. In total he made 86 sorties, shot down 11 enemy aircraft.

During the battle of Stalingrad, sniper Vasily Zaytsev killed 225 Nazis, including 11 enemy snipers. The mere mention of his name terrified the fascists. And how much is still left unknown heroes.

And courage whole cities! The unprecedented defence of the Brest fortress was the first major battle of the great Patriotic war. A handful of soldiers in a month steadfastly defended it from attacks from land and air. The fortress was besieged by a whole German division. “I’m dying, but don’t give up! Goodbye, Motherland”, — wrote one of the soldiers on the wall of the Brest fortress. The enemy managed to take her only after he had been killed or captured all its defenders.

Leningrad, the Nazis planned to destroy completely, and the population to destroy. But those plans went awry. Leningrad, survived the blockade which lasted 900 days.

In Stalingrad was the bloodiest urban battle in the history of mankind. Battles were fought for every street, every house, every apartment, every room.

Stalingrad was a turning point in the war, there was a broken the backbone of the German military machine. In the battle of Kursk, Soviet soldiers showed indomitable will to win.

“And then, when the hour of final defeat of fascism, the Soviet Army took the offensive and began to drive the Nazis from the occupied territories. The soldiers were made immortal miracles of valor and glory, showing unprecedented heroism, the people showed unprecedented patriotism, proved the superiority of Soviet weapons. But what is most important: the people have proved the superiority of his revolutionary spirit. Soviet troops did not stop till he reached the lair of the fascist beast, not yet hoisted over the Reichstag the glorious banner of victory of the Soviet people!” — as stated on may 8, 1975, the leader of the Cuban revolution Fidel Castro RUz.

Someone will probably remain indifferent to this heroic journey, but a decent man will commend this feat. Sorry look puny attempts of those who try to diminish the exclusive role of the Soviet Union in this global conflict, ignoring the fact that USSR defended its own freedom and the freedom of other people, lost in the war, about 27 million of its citizens. History knows similar examples.

Those who could not fight worked in the rear. When on the battlefield, lacked weapons and ammunition, the soldiers of the red Army had only two options: to recapture them from the enemy or fight to the last, along with a “General frost”.

That is why no other flag, except the Soviet, hammer and sickle, could not fly over the Reichstag, putting the last point in the Berlin operation. Because the people the workers and peasants made the greatest contribution to the Victory, he became the winner in that memorable may 9, 1945, when mankind defeated Nazi Germany.

And all attempts of Western propaganda to distort the history of one irrefutable argument: that the Soviet people were the true Heroes of that battle.


