Lifespan: drop of tar

The body lies just a few metres from the shore of the lake, rescuers who have nothing to do, floating beside him on his gray inflatable boat. Their job is done. The search has been completed. Seven people were killed, four were rescued, Russia is once again facing a quiet tragedy in the Urals, in a lake near Chelyabinsk. In a short film, which was shown by the Russian media, to the accompaniment of sad piano music, we see clear summer sky, the murky water and rescuers, who seem to wonder why?

It was a spontaneous trip on a tiny boat with nine people, most of them children, squeezed into a small space, and when all are simultaneously moved to the stern, the boat overturned. Two men jumped off the Bank and wanted to help. Why they sank, at first it was unclear. But then it turned out that the boat was overcrowded, not registered, no one is wearing life jackets, but adults were “drunk”.

Someday this tragedy will get into the statistics, and the question is how many people the cause of death will mean the alcohol, and how many drowning. Both reasons according to the study the Internet site that refers to the world health organization (who) belong to the 20 most frequent causes of death in Russia.

Alcohol, drowning, violent death, suicide, road traffic accidents: most of these tragic circumstances is not appearing in the reports of deaths in other European countries, at least, not in the first place. Life expectancy in Russia has two features: it is much lower than in the rest of Europe and around the world is not even among the first hundred. And second: the difference in life expectancy of men and women big as in any other country — more than ten years. Spectacular car crash, recorded on DVRs and infinitely scrollable in German thematic channels, allow you to imagine how much testosterone “involved” in road traffic. And yet, in these days Russia enjoys a positive record.

40% of all deaths in the working age group are alcohol-related

Never has the life expectancy of Russians and the Russians were not so high, especially in Moscow and in abstaining from alcohol Muslim Caucasus republics. Born last year can expect a life expectancy of 77 years, however, if it is a girl. Russian boys predict 66.5 years for both sexes on average is 71,87 years. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has instructed the Ministry of health to ensure that by 2025, the value has reached at least 76 years. The country wants, finally, to catch up with the others. In Albania, this value is the number 78 in Belgium and Germany 81, Japan — 84.

After a tipping point in the nineties, when everything’s not enough money, in Russia there has been progress in medicine. For several years through various prohibitions even been to limit Smoking.

Thus, the Russians are becoming healthier and living longer. And of course there are such examples even among men: the writer Daniil Granin died last week at the age of 98 years. But, especially in the provinces, the death of the elderly remains a rare event. In some far Eastern regions of men, despite the General increase in life expectancy, according to statistics, do not live up to 60 years. Leading a sober lifestyle, sports President Putin in the spring spoke of the “many unsolved problems” of insufficient number of doctors, specialists may be unavailable, too long time waiting, too much bureaucracy. And there are too many abuses that also spoil the statistics.

“Russian inconsiderately treat their health, while binge drinking is a significant problem, the newspaper quoted the Moscow Times specialist on demography Olga Isupova. — People often don’t see the point in planning for their future, they prefer to live in the here and now.” Smooth upgrade and improved equipment in place and are unlikely to help if almost 40% of all deaths in working age are alcohol-related, which shortens the life of men for 20 years, said Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on health protection Nikolay Govorin. Of particular concern to the authorities delivers counterfeit alcohol. At the end of last year in Siberia has killed about 70 people due to the use of scented bath products that contain methanol, because they were looking for a cheap substitute of vodka. Prime Minister Medvedev spoke then about “shame”.

So now there are many peculiar ideas, among which is the cheaper vodka to cheap alcohol-containing medications from the pharmacy or counterfeit products seem less profitable. Minister of agriculture Alexander Tkachev said that it is necessary to encourage the use of Russians of wine to replace the vodka. This could strengthen national health and to change the demographic situation for the better.

In the end, a few days ago, Russia said that the consumption of alcohol overtook her one of the EU countries. Now most of all drink in Lithuania.

