Until July, the Ukrainians will receive bills for the “extra” squares of real estate. For several years in Ukraine introduced a tax on real estate – for each square meter in excess of you have to pay from 0 to 1.5% of the minimum wage. The tax rate and the rate of property is determined by local authorities, and the tax Supplement local budgets. The website “Today” found out who and how many will have to pay for the property and that threatens the debtors.
How to calculate the tax
In 2015, after the Parliament made changes to the Tax code, taxes are charged not only for homes and apartments but also garages, summer kitchens, cellars and sheds. However it is worth noting that most urban and rural councils for farm buildings has established a zero tax rate.
Under the Tax code, to pay the tax will have for: a residential building, an addition to the house, an apartment, a room in a communal apartment, house, cottage, barn, garage. Besides, the law is not subject to tax the property of orphans and single mothers raising a disabled child. No need to pay tax on kindergartens, public buildings, temples.
The tax base is determined by the local authority, but the Tax code says that you cannot charge money for an apartment with an area of less than 60 squares, and a house of 120 square meters. If the family owns the house and apartment, the norm of the total area starts from 180 squares. The tax rate can vary from 0 to 1.5% of minimum salary for each square meter in excess of this norm. For example, in Kharkov took the decision to charge tax for the apartment with an area of 60 squares and a house of 120 squares of 1% from the minimal salary.
Photo: archive
In Kiev also need to pay for the apartment, if its area is more than 60 squares. A resident of the capital with in 100 squares will pay the tax for 40 meters. This year will come last payment system, then the tax rate was one percent of the minimal salary for 40 squares you will have to pay the state 551 hryvnia. Next year, Ukrainians will pay for this year. As stated on the website of the KSCA, the tax rate will reduce to 0.75% of the minimal salary, forty squares would cost 960 USD.
Prior to July 1, the IRS will send out decision notifications and receipts with tax amounts. You need to pay no later than August 28. If the receipt for payment of the tax on the apartment, which, for example, already sold, or if a receipt did not come, but under the law the estate should be taxed, you need to contact the local office of Fiscal services.
That threatens debtors
If you do not pay tax in August and to defer payment for a month, have to pay a penalty of 10% of tax if you pay for the property in October, the amount of the fines will reach 20% of the assessed tax. According to the law, the tax inspector has the right to impose on the property a tax lien. In addition, for tax evasion are criminalized (article 212 of the CCU).
In the Fiscal service of the state, the property tax exists in all countries of Europe. “In all the countries of Europe and most countries, this tax exists, and its citizens pay. In Ukraine it is paid to the local budget (ie budget, where citizens owning real estate). In decentralization, local government reform, the local authorities granted more powers”, – the press service quoted head of the tax division of the Department of taxes and fees from individuals of the SFS Yuri Tymoshchuk.
Next year the amount of increase in the payment in two times
The tax rate tied to the minimum wage. Given that at the beginning of this year, the minimum salary in Ukraine increased twice – from 1600 to 3200 hryvnia, in proportion to the increase and the estate tax. The sharp rise in Ukrainians will feel next year when you have to pay the tax for 2017.
Photo: archive
For example, if it is at the rate of tax to 1% for the “extra” 60 squares need to pay 826,8 of the hryvnia in the next year this area will have to pay for 1920 hryvnia. According to the budget resolution, in 2018, the minimum wage could rise to 3723 hryvnia, 2019 – 4173 hryvnia, 2020 – 4425 UAH. This means that for 2018, the year the tax on real estate for this apartment can make 2233 hryvnia, and for 2019 – 2503 of the hryvnia.
In addition, owners of large homes (over 300 square metres for apartments and 500 houses) will have to pay 25 thousand hryvnia. For example, the owner of the apartment with an area of 310 square meters in Kyiv before July 1 must come to payment system 28 thousand hryvnias.