The party of Makron wins in the first round of parliamentary elections in France – exit poll

The party of the President of France Emmanuel Makron “Republic, forward!” wins in the first round in the French National Assembly (lower house of Parliament – National Assembly).

This is evidenced by the exit poll conducted by the sociological research company Ipsos, which was presented in live TV channel France24.

In particular, according to the survey in all the majority constituencies, for the party “Republic, forward!” voted 32.2% of voters, for the party “the Republicans” – 21,5%, far-right party “national front” was supported by 14%, the party “Unconquered France” – 11%, the Socialist party is 10.2%.

Other candidates gaining 3.3 percent.

Thus, it is expected that candidates from the party of Makron will receive in Parliament 390-430 mandates, “Republicans” – 85-125, socialist 20-35, “Unconquered France” – 11-21, “national front” – 3-10, other forces are 7-12.

If no candidate receives in the first round more than 50% of the vote in a district, then held a second round, which will be two of the best candidates of the first round.

The second round of elections will take place on 18 June.

Only the French National Assembly of 577 seats.

It is also noted low voter turnout. Recent data on turnout presented as at 17.00 local time (18.00 CET). In particular, at the time the turnout was 40.75 per cent.

