Tanks in the center of Kiev: ATO veterans and military experts disagreed

26-th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, will be celebrated with a military parade on Khreshchatyk. The corresponding decree on may 15 signed by the President Petro Poroshenko. Whether in the context of the war in the East again to spend from the budget of millions of hryvnia for the military procession and the withdrawal of tanks and other equipment in the center of Kiev, and whether the parade by the defenders of Ukraine, understood the “Apostrophe”.

To spend or not

The tradition of holding military parades on the Independence Day, has revived in 2014, Petro Poroshenko. During the tenure of Viktor Yanukovych, the holiday was not celebrated by a procession of troops and equipment. Fluent ex-the President shifted the focus on may 9, and held parades on victory Day with the assistance of technology during the Second world war and soldiers dressed in uniforms of the time.

This year, according to the order of the President, for organising the parade and other events to the Independence Day will meet the Cabinet, which will create the organizational Committee on preparation to celebration.

However, in society, even among the veterans of the ATO, there is no consensus — whether the appropriate military parade in the capital, when in the East there is a real war. “I am sure that the parade is needed. When you sit in the front of the line and know that the capital is 100 thousand troops, feel supported, what, if anything, the reserve we have, it will fit and all will be well”, — explained the “Apostrophe” fighter 79 airmobile brigade Valery Kibinai, which at the parade last year was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.

In turn, the veteran ATO Edmond Sahakian has mixed feelings toward the military procession. “This parade at the same time need not, and it is difficult to say more. On the one hand, the military parade under conditions of war, especially the like of which we are undoubtedly necessary. We have a very serious enemy, and the morale of both the Armed forces and the entire population of the country is very important. And any parade that demonstrates something new, strong, powerful, of course, affects morale, says “Apostrophe” Sahakyan. On the other hand, the army is desperately short of money, supplies, and against this background to conduct the parade is questionable. Would be better if the money spends on it, was put to something more useful. And to make a choice between these two points of view difficult.”

According to military psychologist Andrew Cosinuke, the parade really has a huge impact on morale in the Armed forces. “The parade is a symbol of great responsibility from the state — says “Apostrophe” expert. — Remember how the parade was presented by Igor Gordiychuk the title of Hero of Ukraine. It really raised the morale in the army. The parade is a symbolic summing up and setting goals for next year, for example, to introduce in the course of equipment, weapons and uniforms. The parade is held primarily for the military, but for all Ukrainians.”

Be proud of

But if we ignore the moral side of the issue and refer to the estimates, these military marches, it becomes obvious that Ukrainians pay a lot of money for the parade. For example, a military parade on Independence Day in 2014, according to the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kirilenko, cost the budget 10 million hryvnia.

This year, estimates of the parade are not yet painted. “Prior to its adoption still has to solve many organizational issues,” — said “Apostrophe” speaker of the Ministry of defense Maxime Prout.

It is the question of money is the main argument of the opponents of the parade on Khreshchatyk. Moreover, after the cost of the Eurovision song contest, according to a military expert Oleg Zhdanov, the parade — too expensive for the budget.

“We have where to spend the money. On the agenda a million issues of national defense: the rearmament of the army, its staffing, as we again host the show, — said in comments “Apostrophe” Zhdanov. Even the fuel for the parade, you use a special with a high additive content, in order for the car not stalled, but it’s all a lot of money. By and large, the parade is money laundering. I was a member of the first military parade in Kiev, and I know that is a crazy cheating the money.”

You can say: the strong morale of the Ukrainian army and the entire nation can spend money, but Oleg Zhdanov adds that in terms of the latest developments of military equipment Ukraine is nothing to brag about.

“What we want to show? The old Soviet technique, only painted? Of new models there is absolutely nothing, all we have is an upgraded Soviet weapons. For example, ATGM “Stugna” — a Soviet “Competition”, which was adopted by the Soviet Union in 1974. View the performance characteristics of “Competition”. Yes, it is partially upgraded, operated by laser beam, but it cannot see through fog, smoke screens. Shell “Alder” system MLRS “Smerch” — old Soviet design, which we have embodied in the metal. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union it was at the stage of design documentation, and we embody it in metal. MLRS “Verba” is the warhead from BM-21 “Grad” set on KrAZ, with a new guidance system. There is nothing Patriotic,” says the military expert.

At the same time, the Deputy Director of the Center for army, conversion and disarmament Michael Samus believes that Ukraine and there shouldn’t be any surprise at the parade. “And do parades to show the new weapons? New military equipment made to show at exhibitions, and the purpose of the parade is quite different. If people are fighting, shedding blood for our country, so why not hold the parade?” summed up the military expert.

