What Turkey should do in Syria?

Turkey is strong enough to provide security for its people on their own. Only as a result of military and political weakness of Turkey allowed Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK) to gain a foothold within our borders and in neighboring countries.

Those who connect their security with good intentions and the support of other countries may not be safe. Safety is a natural result of the existence and dominance. It cannot be delegated!

The safety of Turkish citizens cannot be put at risk, worrying about what the EU or the USA. Those who turn a blind eye to presence of terrorists in Qandil, to be judged!

Now that the U.S. position is clear, Turkey should do everything necessary to ensure your safety, going to any risk.

So the first thing to do is not to allow terrorists to stay in Qandil. Kandil must be cleaned from terrorists and to place in this region of the Turkish garrison, which will fly a red flag with a Crescent and star.

On the other hand, Turkey should make every effort to prepare for the confrontation with elements of the Party “Democratic Union” (PYD), located in tel Abyad, Afrin, Sinjar and represent a strategic threat for Turkey.

With the start of operations in raqqa that Turkey should carry out a tactical operation in respect of three of these regions. Turkey must destroy the terrorist camps that threaten its national security.

If Turkey wants to guarantee their safety, she should risk it and take the initiative. If you just watch and observe what is happening, it will not solve, but exacerbate the problem.

There are no guarantees that the United States gives to Turkey on the issue of weapons transferred PYD should not be taken seriously.

Every time the United States lulled the vigilance of the Turkish leadership, they forgot these promises and continued their insidious policy of the place where they stopped.

PYD — guarantee Israel’s security!

USA, obviously, aimed at creating a United and independent Kurdistan in the framework of a certain process along the axis of Syria — Iraq — Turkey.

For this purpose, the United States invaded Iraq in 1991, took a Kurdish group, together with their families (the figures at the level of ten thousand people) the first island of GUAM.

A significant part of the bureaucratic, administrative and political staff present in Northern Iraq are these people educated in the United States.

There are no guarantees in what is now the United States will not be able to play a similar game this time with their allies in the North of Syria — PYD.

Weapons that were transferred for intervention against Saddam, the United States again left in Northern Iraq.

To develop a strategy for the United States, and not the PYD!

One U.S. Colonel in Iraq said that “when the intervention comes to an end, transferred heavy weapons to the Kurds remain, and they will fight with them against Turkey.”

The same thing is happening this time in Northern Syria. Heavy weapons sent PYD, logistic support her will be used against ISIS (banned in Russia — approx. ed.) and against Turkey.

Turkey’s top leadership should look at both. US regard PYD as a guarantee of Israel’s security. In this regard, the U.S. has developed a strategic plan for the axis — Iraq-Syria — Turkey and now apply it.

All the steps that the United States is doing in the short, medium and long term, are being implemented under this plan. The Turkish-American negotiations, it was noticeable that since the alleged complaisant with each other, and behind the scenes — fight.

Turkey needs to show US that he understands their intentions concerning the region and what players want to use for this purpose. We need to apply plans of resistance.

The territorial integrity of Syria must protect Turkey!

The US goal is to divide Syria into several separate from each other from an administrative point of view, Autonomous entities, and then bind them weak strands to the center.

The strategic goal of the US is a Federal Syria. The interests of Turkey is a unitary Syria.

Ensuring the territorial integrity of Syria should be a strategic goal of Turkey.

And territorial integrity of Syria can only be achieved with the dominance of the Damascus government throughout the country.

Turkey must cease to deal with the fate of Assad. Assad is the Syrian people. To unravel the big game USA Turkey can only in cooperation with Assad. And only in this case it will be able to obtain the support of Russia. The mind tells it.

