Bold words, brave person that supports Bashar al-Assad: about Russia, which sent Syria a God

The most perfect believer in a balanced community — the fact that the imams of mosques to hear the adhan (call to prayer) at the bell ringing… And at the same time, the priests hear the songs of the Church in Muslim prayers… Thus, we see that despite the vociferous voice of extremism, the Islamic clergy in the Motherland speaks like monks and priests… because loyalty to land and people, ultimately, is the faith and faithfulness of those who are in heaven…

Therefore, turn from these fanatics, the sick and the insane, who believe that only they have the keys to heaven and hell, and that only they are allowed to communicate with God… moreover, that they — the seal of God… These teachers in schools is crazy and insane, and after their training methods of these educational institutions produced crazy…

Don’t listen to all the countless appeals and slogans emanating on behalf of the Islamic political groups, from judges deciding cases according to Sharia, the Muftis or the President of the international Union of Muslim scholars, whose numbers on the streets has exceeded the number of cars… Their voices began to pollute the environment with its sounds and its picture, like the noise of cars in densely populated cities, their smoke and other debris..

Leave the Muslim street, her car, the noise, hum and songs in praise of Allah, the coming out.. Come and hear beautiful, nice, quiet folk song based on the voice of Jesus Christ…. These words echoed by the Bishop of the Syrian Catholic Church, Butte Jano (Jano Battah)…

Listen to Bishop Jean Batou, sincerely and truthfully speaking about the Syrian crisis from the point of view of the patriot and the priest, who does not like to deceive people and does not deceive himself slogans… He honestly says to you about the will of God that sent Russia to the East… He tells you about the true purpose of President Assad, democracy in the West and the East, and also gives advice to all those, especially the Arabs who want to immigrate.

What is the difference between modern Metropolitan and modern mufti Ahmad Badr al-DIN Hassoun? This is exactly what I mean when the love of God and man, we hear the azan in the bells and songs of the Church… because God is embodied in man and in the country… and the adhan comes during the ringing of the bells…

