Than useful young radish

Young radishes, and the young greens, many look forward to. And I want to experience the taste of fresh grown produce and to replenish the supply of vitamins. What are the features of a young Yes early need to know?

It appears that the radish includes phytoncides (natural antibiotics) that cope not just with the vitamin deficiency and fatigue, but also help in the treatment of patients with bronchitis and asthma. As a rule, in the prevention of colds use the juice of young radish, it stimulates metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and improves circulation, says

To strengthen the immune system, doctors advise to drink fresh juice of radish mixed with carrot juice in the ratio 1:2.

Helps in cases of anemia

Recent scientific studies have shown that the radish contains pectin, which plays a huge role in the process of cleaning the body from harmful substances, toxins and impurities. Radishes grown without the use of chemicals, is useful in anemia. He is able to raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood. And bitter taste, which is determined by the content of mustard oil helps not only to improve the appetite and accelerate the metabolism and will have a choleretic effect. Nutritionists recommend to include radishes in the menu of those who want to lose weight. It will also help with the swelling, to establish intestinal peristalsis and normalize the level of sugar in the blood.

Cures headaches

Since ancient times the juice of root is used as analgesic for headache. You just need to cut the radish in half, squeeze out cloves few drops of the juice and smear him in the nose and temporal lobes. You’ll see the pain will go away!

Good for the heart

Radish plays a significant role in the prevention of coronary heart disease, heart attack, thrombophlebitis. Substances included in the composition of this vegetable, thin the blood, eliminate bad cholesterol, improve hematopoiesis, which can significantly reduce the risk of diseases of vessels and heart. Improves performance and overall health.

Prevents cancer

According to research scientists radish can prevent the occurrence of cancer cells in the colon. Scientists suggest that it is all due to the dye anthocyanin, which is contained in the root in large numbers.

Cosmetic properties

Salad lovers, which include radish, can boast a beautiful and uniform tint of the skin. And if you wipe the vegetable and mix the resulting slurry with starch and olive oil, you get a good vitamin mask.

But that’s not all! Radishes are rich in substances that can restore blood sugar levels, so it would have to be present in the diet of diabetics. However, there are contraindications. For example, you cannot radishes for those who have disease of the stomach, a problem in the thyroid gland, colitis, kidney and liver, flatulence.

