Exercises: on the border of Lithuania catch “little green men”

The border guards, police and public security of Lithuania on Tuesday participate in exercises in reflection of the actions of saboteurs at the state border, police said.

According to legend, the exercise, carried out by order of the Minister of internal Affairs of Eimutis of Misunas, special forces unfriendly Lithuania state Udia illegally crossed the border and are going to take one of the border posts, as well as the chief of police of šalčininkai. “Simulated an invasion of little green men on the territory of Lithuania, the landing of the train,” — said after the exercise to journalists Misunas.

After power Udii was seen at the border station lost radio contact. Pseudodiferential simulated invasion about 30 commandos, managed to occupy the police. More than ten police officers during the invasion was “killed.” Representatives of the interior Ministry told BNS that can’t name the number involved in the exercises officers of VD, because the teaching is not over.

“We wanted in real conditions to see how such an extreme situation to react Lithuanian service. About the exercises in advance it was made known only to the police, the border guard Service of Lithuania (SOGP) and the public security Service (GSS). Ordinary employees, operators Unified assistance center did not know in advance that this doctrine,” — said the Minister of internal Affairs for a press release.

According to the Minister, it was important to check how the service is able to interact with each other, to exchange information in the absence of communication, when information about the RAID of saboteurs reached the interior Ministry. The results of the exercise will be given after the reports of the heads of all services and discussion.

“It was not indicative of the teachings, they had neither fire nor smoke. Such enemy forces moved quietly and quickly, so it’s important it would be for them to notice, to report their movement and react,” — said E. Misunas. As noted, the interim chief of police, observing the imitation of criminal acts, some residents appealed to the Centre General assistance (CSB).

Misunas, in turn, noted that CSB did not provide any information about incidents, and this, according to him, demonstrates that the people see “little green men”, not called the number 112. Press Secretary TSOP Wilma Usavice told BNS that were received residents ‘ calls during the exercise, but experts other services are not informed, because people didn’t ask for help. “Some were outraged that somewhere can not pass. Others asked about what’s going on,” said Yosamite.

The internal Affairs system of Lithuania is concerned about hybrid threats after launched in may 2014 by Russia’s annexation of Crimea. “Little green men” was named the Russian military, which in 2014 started the annexation owned by Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. Still, the Minister has not confirmed that it was prepared to resist to the Russian saboteurs.

