Fee for gas was a requirement of the IMF

Ukraine has committed itself before the end of August 2017 to introduce a separate tariff for gas distribution, the monthly fee is based on the power consumption of blue fuel. This is stated in the text of the Memorandum of the government with the International monetary Fund (IMF).

It is also noted that until the end of September 2017 these changes (the sharing of a common gas tariff into two components: the cost of gas as a commodity and fee for its delivery) will be fixed by amendments to Cabinet of Ministers resolution №758.

As you know, since April, the Ukrainians have gas stoves, gas water heaters for heating water or heating a home with gas, have to pay more for it. Particularly affected single high-rise residents – for them and the amount of increase in the payment more than doubled.

The reason is that NERC has allowed gas suppliers to separately charge all consumers a fee for gas and separately for “delivery” of the fuel in the rent (monthly fee). Now this fee is included in the tariff, but since April she grows up.

The experts considered that for the apartment with a gas stove without a meter fee of approximately 46 UAH per month, plus a surcharge according to the norms of calculation of 4.4 cubic meters for each registered tenant. But a cubic meter of gas will drop by about 90 cents, or up to six UAH, so it “go away” fee.

If you now pay for gas in a month is 31 UAH/person (will be 26 UAH), from April for one resident will be about UAH 72 (46+26), with two — 98 UAH (46+26х2), etc. If the count is, then, of course, will have to pay according to his actual testimony plus a fee.

Those who have home mounted gas boiler for heating, the fee will be higher, as it depends on the maximum throughput of the counter. And in this case the counter is more powerful because needs to be more on the order flow of the gas. Fee will be 50-70 UAH/month. depending on the region, plus pay at the counter.

NERC reported that on 10 April to hold a meeting to consider the suspension of the decision ebonblade for the use of gas infrastructure.

