Poroshenko on the phone with Steinmeier discussed the escalation in the Donbas

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko held a telephone conversation with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who recently won the presidential elections in Germany, the press service of the Ukrainian President.

“During the tenure of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany you were a real friend of Ukraine. It is a reliable basis for the further development of friendship between our peoples already in your new presidential quality,” – said the head of state.

According to Poroshenko, Germany is one of the most important players in the process of stabilization of the situation in Ukraine.

Also, the presidents discussed the worsening situation in the Donbass due to Russian aggression. Special attention was paid to the worsening of the humanitarian situation in the area of Avdeevka, where Russian militants continue to shell civilian objects.

In addition, the Ukrainian leader expressed hope for renewal in March sanctions against Russia over the annexation of Crimea.

The parties welcomed the progress made between the Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament on the introduction of visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens and expressed hope that this issue will be formalized in the near future.

Petro Poroshenko has invited Frank-Walter Steinmeier to visit Ukraine for a visit.

As reported in the Headquarters of the military operation in Donbas over the past day militants 117 times violated the ceasefire. The militants left in battle tanks and artillery. As a result of shelling of positions of Ukrainian military killed two people.

