American accidentally donated my shirt with hidden stash

An American resident of California, gave his shirt to charity, forgetting that previously hid the money there, writes Mashable.

65-year-old Bob Hoffmann for six years set aside money for a joint trip to Italy with his wife Linda. He planned to accumulate 10 thousand dollars, but after learning about the need of his relatives in money, withdrew the amount from the Bank account. A few days later he had to give cash to them and decided to hide them in an old shirt.

However, when 68-year-old Linda asked her husband to take away unnecessary things for charity, Bob forgot about the stash, handing the shirt to the wife with the money. Realizing what had happened two days later, the American had to tell wife to go to the store to return the donation.

Clothes Hoffman managed to find at the warehouse the next morning. In gratitude for the discovery and preservation of the spouse ordered to the staff of the pizza shop.

Earlier it was reported that in Austria a man was found in the basement of his new home 269,5 thousand euros, which decided to give to the police.

