Savchenko explained why she did not have a platform RUNE

The people’s Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko declares that her public platform RUNA different views in some directions. She told about it in the comments to the online edition of InfoResist.

The MP confirmed that there were divergence of views.

“They’re talking about raising the Cossacks on the people’s Tribunal. Then there are some points we see differently, but what you need to change the system of relations between the authorities and the people understand everything. And in General each organization in the platform has its own vision. Someone sees a Prosecutor in his own way, someone in the judicial system on their own, someone culture and education. But all this is secondary items. Yes, in some ways we’re a little disagree, but disagree in all organizations. The main thing to look for what unites us,” she said.

She also added that the platform “narrow the perception of ideological differences”.

As it became known, the public platform FLEECE and MP Nadezhda Savchenko by mutual consent decided to end the cooperation, but there is a possibility of joint work on some projects. It is noted that the MP and the public platform didn’t agree and broke up because of ideological reasons.

