How to regain interest in sex

Very often we are faced with such question that is either too shy or don’t know whom to ask. However, the desire to make love or its absence depends on many factors.

Sexual intercourse itself is not for man is vital. We can live without this life, and it will not affect our physical and mental health. The sexual act is, rather, a manifestation of the needs in communication, in intimacy with another person, the need for self-expression and the extension of the family. Most often we do this to provide pleasant physical sensations.

Libido, at first, depends on your desire to create your life. If you have lost the desire to have sex, consider all that is happening in your life. Perhaps you are paying too much time the fact that goes against your true desires? How do you follow in their actions: a sense of duty? The desire to justify someone else’s expectations? The desire to prove something to others?

When a person is deprived of the opportunity to create your life on your own, he lost interest to sex, as the external and internal world are closely interrelated.

Your sexuality reflects your ability to bring pleasure to himself.

Do you know how to enjoy life? Do you want it?

Here’s what I can advise you to return this interest: try to prepare for sexual intercourse as carefully as you prepare, for example, to receive guests. Take your time. Understand that people are different, so their needs are also different. For example, people physical warehouse get pleasure from sex only if you feel comfortable physically. They quickly turned on, even if just with each other had a falling out.

Partners emotional type can’t make love until you make peace. They are going to have sex only when they are in a good mood and feel that they love and want.

People mental need mental training. To get excited they need to talk with your partner, to establish intellectual contact. The main condition of their physical proximity to deep understanding.

Communication with different types of helping people better understand themselves by learning to pay attention to all aspects of your life, both physical and emotional and mental.

If you feel that your attraction to each other is weakened, you need to make more sensuality in their sexual relationships, more likely to touch each other, but also to carefully prepare for this sacrament.

We should not think that sexual attraction and love are one and the same. Sex can be considered one of ways of communication and the nature of sexual intercourse depends largely on their verbal communication. Often people who live many years together, cease to communicate, limited stock phrases. Perhaps something similar is happening with you, and then one of the ways to return the desire will be to return the communication and interest to each other as a person, man or woman. Love is the state of mind when you take the man close to him, respecting his wishes and needs. You can continue to love a person, although not experience to his desire.

The frequency of intercourse reflects the ability and willingness of partners to communicate with each other. If you have several years of no sex with a partner, be aware that in your relationships and in the relationship have a problem, even if you do not yet realize. Here’s what I recommend: first find out what your partner feels? Perhaps he is afraid of something? What are his intentions? If he wants to talk to you about the situation?

Also, honestly answer these questions for themselves. Is a problem for you lack of sex? If so, why?

Perhaps it is time to pay attention to your real desires and needs, and to begin to realize that in your life you want to change.

In my seminars Liz in a simple and accessible form teaches the correct attitude to your body, helping to work through emotional trauma and run positive programs in my life. Changes will not keep itself waiting!

LIZ BURBO in Kiev:

March 9 – your body Language code of love

March 10-12 – Listen to your soul

March 14-15 – Five injuries of the soul

Details on the website:

