When coping with debt can take the apartment and that still threatens the debtors

According to Kyivenergo, the capital’s population owed only for heating of 1.5 billion hryvnia. Those who cannot pay the bills, offer to restructure debt for five years and pay for parts. Most debtors in Pechersky district, here every person is 2.9 thousand hryvnias of a debt.

In the Law of Ukraine “On enforcement proceedings” says that the arrest of the only property of the debtor only if the debt amount exceeds the amount of 20 minimum wages – that is the 64 thousand hryvnia (article 48 of the law). The Statute of limitations is three years. If you don’t pay five years in court have the right to recover only the amount for three years.

“After the court’s decision will have ten days to appeal. Then the meeting will be held with the invitation of the parties. You can always ask to restructure the debt, start to pay by instalments. The risk of losing the apartment is, so to speak, the most irresponsible citizens,” explains Alexander Plahotnik.

By the way, the court may also in debt to arrest, and then sell the car, appliances, or any other property. In the past year, says the lawyer Alexander Plahotnik in luck one of the debtors was arrested the apartment, and then sold it at a public auction. Homeowners do not pay for “communal” for many years. The apartment has sold about 450 thousand hryvnia, 50 thousand took “office”, and the remaining amount was given to the owners of the sold apartments.

By the way, in Ukraine the simplified system of debt collection. Any housing office may apply to the court by the debtor, then the decision will be made within three days. The court order on collecting of the property is issued without hearing and without calling the parties.

