How to instill in your child a love of reading: simple rules

To read books is useful at any age. But it is not always possible to see the baby, which is very interesting to pick up a book and immerse yourself in the literary world.

Reading helps to develop imagination of the child, builds vocabulary, develops memory and helps easier to communicate with people.

The website wrote a few simple rules on how to instill a love child to books.

Start early

From birth let the children a variety of books, read stories and poems. As a child growing up in accessible places should be a book with thick pages and you will see how it will be interesting to look at the pictures, click on the buttons to hear songs for kids.

Observe the rituals of reading

The tradition of reading before bed is always a great idea. It’s wonderful moments of communication, of unity, the experience of pleasant emotions from what they read, trusting and sincere conversations with your mom, dad or grandma in the cozy evening silence, in the dim light.

Encourage independent reading

As soon as the child learns to read, enter the following rule: first it must read one page per day, and over time, the volume of reading will increase. He can choose what he is interested in, but the reading should be mandatory.

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Again, consistency is important: there is a part voluntary and part mandatory. Thus, you will form the habit of reading.

Surround the child with books

The child in childhood needs to be a shelf or Cabinet, in which there are books and encyclopedias designed for his age and a little older. This shelf must always be free access to be able to choose independently what next book to read.

Maintain interest

Don’t tell the child what to read. Just as the Board. Let him have formed their preferences in literature. And in order to maintain his interest, discuss with him the books.

Read for yourself

A personal example is the most important. If no one reads it, it has no good books, you should not expect to instill in your child a love of what is not do the parents. Do not expect that it will make the school, some elective classes. If you do not do this, the closest to your child’s people, that no one can.

Meanwhile, four-year-old American has read a thousand books.

