BU Pelnas: Russia Stalinists in the new

No one knows how smart will be managed by the United States in the next four years. But the way run Russia, on the contrary, for anybody not a secret.

As we know today, the intelligence — a rare commodity in Moscow. Deceit, cunning and guile, on the contrary, are present in abundance. 15 years ago it was possible to predict that Russia will arm, trying at any price to regain the position of a superpower. But the comprehensive corruption and political ruthlessness that step by step again stalinizing Russian society and the present was difficult. But now it has become easy: all the foundations of the rule of law and freedom of speech are quickly exterminated one after the other.


Russian political reality is that any attempt to describe it correctly creates the impression of the grotesque. Any specific description as carefully chosen words democratic Swedish opinion seems exaggerated. But we have to open our eyes and abandon the illusion, looking at the true picture of what is happening today in Moscow. There is much talk about the various threats directed at Sweden, as evidenced by the build-up of Russian weapons. This is a very important conversation too long delayed. But a truthful description of the Russian political situation at least equally important. It is formed by the political soil in which to nurture dreams of superpower status, and personal ambitions of political leaders.

It is unfortunate that society, which badly needs infrastructure development, investment in the social sector and radically improve the health and living conditions of the people, however, prefer to recover the huge and aggressive military machine. Amazing to see how Vladimir Putin is trying hard to take a strong position in the middle East. It’s hard to say how it can meet the long-term interests of Russia and, in particular, Russian citizens.

The greatest concern is the creation of a new national guard, which reports directly to President Putin. We can fear that this domestic apparatus of violence will give a free hand for actions beyond any social and legal control. It gives Putin the kind of power which no one has since the days of Stalin. It is unlikely that he will refuse. Even when all the formal possibilities of his re-election will be exhausted. When he last left the post and became Prime Minister, his personal power has not diminished. Medvedev, who succeeded Putin as President, was only an obedient puppet. The most important powers of the President can be transferred to some brand new position, created specifically for Putin himself. We remember how the chair of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee were given unlimited power, while being devoid of any official Shine.

I also think that conscription, we need to return.

