After six months of service dropouts of girls from the army less than boys

“It turns out that girls are better than boys, kept the primary call to service. I would say that this is a good lesson,” says the captain of the third rank of Per-Thomas Be (Per-Thomas Bøe), staff officer at chief of the armed forces of the Haakon Bruun-Hanssen (Haakon Bruun-Hanssen).

He notes that the number of those who could not serve in the army after being drafted in the fall of 2016, the percentage was less among women than among men.

No longer volunteers, military service was heavy

In July and August, the primary period of service was designed more than 900 young women. Most of them were born in 1997 — the first when the girls passed the examination and became liable for military service on a par with young men.

For many, military service was heavy.

“Never before “reaction at the beginning of service”, as is customary with us to call, was not so strong. Many said that it is not for them”, says Per — Thomas Be.

“We saw a very different reaction compared to that which was before, like, “Oh, we actually had no choice, we have to be here,” says an elected representative of the national soldiers Sigurd Svendsen (Sigurd Svensen).

The major Sigrid Sturegatan, Engebretsen-Skaret (Sigrid Sturladatter Engebretsen-Skaret), an employee of the military police, 52% intended were women. She was the first officer who was faced with such “reaction at the beginning of the service.” After that she wrote a letter to the army fellow leaders to prepare them for this development.

Those who reacted most acutely, today I feel good

“I talked with the girls. It turned out that they needed to have information about “what will happen to me now, which means the primary call,” says major Engebretsen-Skaret.

“I gave them this information and explain why they made the decision on the General military duty. After this question was not raised. The cases when it was impossible to continue the service due to the injuries that the girls received in the first year of service and are unable then to stay in the army,” says Engebretsen-Skaret.

“Today, those who are particularly sensitive to the beginning service, very satisfied. What they felt at the beginning, it was, in fact, quite natural. Even if you know that there is conscription, you don’t understand what that means until you face it in reality,” says an elected representative Swensen.

Less women is unable to continue service

After less than six months of service provision with those who could not continue to serve, as follows:

— 913 women were called for the passage of the primary term of army service in July and August. It was 26.5% of all designed.

— Was at the service of 907 women.

— After the first day of the call, the number was reduced to 856.

— Today in the service are 798. The number of those who can not continue service is 12,65%.

— For comparison: in the service of the army was intended 2472 men, of whom more than 300 were screened on the first day. 2008 boys continued service.

— Screening of men is 18.8% greater than in women.

The training standard barracks, yet have some disadvantages

According to major Vegard Finberg (Vegard Finberg), representative commander of the armed forces, the summer women will make up a third of the recruits of the primary term of military service.

Per-Thomas BAA the following sums up the appeal of women in 2016:

“Given the short time we had for preparation, we can say that we are very pleased with the results. We would like to do more relative to the standard barracks and equipment for women. We still have some work to do; in any case, it was found that they need to improve. But we made a big step forward in all areas, ranging from flak jackets to backpacks”.

In the same room and in accordance with the wishes

Great attention was paid to the issue of communal spaces for men and women. In the rules elected representatives of the soldiers are no data on the number of those who today live in such conditions. But:

“Many want it to be so. They come to the conclusion that in this case the boys and girls there is more understanding of each other. However, I would like to remind that this procedure is voluntary,” says Swensen.

