The government of Ukraine has improved the procedure for granting of social scholarships. The decision taken by the Cabinet meeting on 8 February.
In particular, from 1 January 2017 introduced the payment of social grants to such categories of students:
- children-orphans and children deprived of parental care;
- persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster;
- miners who have underground experience of at least three years;
- persons whose parents are miners who have worked underground for at least 15 years or died in an accident at work or became invalids I or II groups;
- the persons who are recognized as combatants and their children;
- children one of whose parents was killed (missing) in the area of anti-terrorist operations, military actions or armed conflicts;
- children one of whose parents died during mass actions of civil protest;
- children who are internally displaced.
Recall that the minimum stipend of 2017 in Ukraine is UAH 1.1 million, increased to 1.6 thousand UAH. Also for the important professions scholarships increased: teacher of mathematics, Informatics, natural Sciences, and some engineering specialties (mining, oil and gas business) – 1,4 thousand UAH, and increased – of 2.36 thousand.