The demand for drugs in the United States – the reason for the high crime in Mexico

Secretary of state USA Rex Tillerson (Rex Tillerson) made a statement yesterday in connection with the murder of a prominent Mexican journalist, correspondent of the newspaper La Jornada Javier valdés (Javier Valdez), who was shot dead on Monday in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. Tillerson believes that the murder is related to the fact that the journalist had covered the subject of drug-related crime.

U.S. Secretary of state and Secretary of homeland security, USA John Kelly (John Kelly) admitted that the problems of drug trafficking and related deaths in Mexico, Central America and Colombia due to the drug demand in the United States.

“We Americans must realize that are the market, the only market for this product. If we hadn’t, there would be in Mexico for such a serious problem with organized crime. We must understand that the responsibility for it,” — said Tillerson, speaking at a press conference in Washington. First, the administration of Donald trump made a similar confession in light of the crime situation in the neighboring state.

The press conference was also attended by the Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico (Luis Caso) and the Minister of internal Affairs of Mexico, Miguel Chong (Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong). The Ministers discussed behind closed doors the situation with drug trafficking and new ways to counter it.

Louis Videgaray commented that the meeting was a major step forward for the joint analysis of the problem and, most importantly, the definitions for both States for joint ways to combat it.

Mexican foreign Minister added that the parties overlap in the analysis of the nature of the problem and recognize that we need to fight every element of this criminal business.

“We should be higher in order to shift responsibility on each other and blame each other, we need to understand that every demand generates an offer and all the offer forms the demand. If the government of the United States and Mexico will spend time arguing about who is to blame, whose fault is it that organized crime, which killed people on both sides of the border, will benefit from this,” said the Minister.

Louis Videgaray stressed that it is time to start thinking in new ways and to work against all units, ranging from production, cultivation, import, distribution of drugs, financial flow, and the smuggling of arms, to the most painful problem — the problem of consumption, which has become a scourge in both countries.

John Kelly said that the first thing to do away with what is at the root of the problem — demand for drugs in the United States. “If the Americans are aware that the use of drugs for pleasure entails the death of people in Mexico, Colombia or Central America, the murder of journalists, police, military, judges, and, as a consequence, significantly reduced the profit of this criminal business”.

Answering the question about the murder of Javier valdés, Tillerson said, “We all extend our condolences to the family and friends of this outstanding Mexican journalist in connection with his tragic death”.

He stressed that it is already far not the first victim among journalists and one of the many victims of organized crime.

Under the administration of Barack Obama, the question of drug consumption in the United States stood as sharply.

The Minister of internal security of the USA John Kelly claims that have never attempted to reduce the demand for drugs in the United States and warned that in this program all will be involved: professionals, Hollywood, governors, mayors, families, priests.

He believes that in this way it is possible to significantly reduce the cash proceeds from drug use. “While we do not, on the border will be a desperate fight,” he said.

At a press conference at the State Department, USA Rex Tillerson emphasized that Americans must recognize that the problem of drug trafficking is their problem, due to the endless demand for drugs dependent people and increasing use among youth.

Despite the fact that yesterday was not signed any agreement, Miguel Chong assured that this meeting marked a great contribution in the fight against this common to both parties the trouble, which will be one of the fundamental issues of bilateral relations.

