Go as Stalin, Pol Pot and the Swedish left in the bar…

Stalin, a genius scientist!

Died recently the leader of the Swedish Left party, C. H. Hermansson (C-H Hermansson). “Karl Hermansson did Marxism and socialism is relevant to the time in which he lived,” wrote the current leader of the party, Chested yunas (Jonas Sjöstedt) in a memorable speech. During the celebration in memory of Joseph Stalin, 9 March 1953, in a Public building (Medborgarhuset) in Stockholm Hermansson had spoken: “Stalin is one of the greatest personalities of our history. Marxism, which Stalin seized with such skill and which further developed to a new higher level in no way denies the great role of personality in history. Stalin knew he needed to put his life in the service of a growing, progressive, irresistible victorious powers. That’s why his life has assumed such importance for humanity that is why he became a giant of the history of human development. To be a Communist means to take an example from Stalin and Lenin. Stalin, the most brilliant scientist of all ages”.

© AP Photo, Speech of Joseph Stalin in the Kremlin

This happened at a time when scientists like our hard as steel, comrade Stalin was ready to hit the ground with an iron grip and get an interesting practical experience about the bourgeois pig!

Too big for “his” Islands

“He’s one of the greatest men in modern history. Someone said that it is too big for your island. Castro looked at all too long term. He’s a lexicographer, and he has the traits of almost sovereign of the Renaissance”. Pierre Schori (Pierre Schori), the graph of the social-democratic elite, in 1986, said this about the then Cuban President Fidel Castro.

© RIA Novosti, Pavel Barashev | go to fotoracconti leader Fidel Castro speech

But, notice, probably, a supporter of the world order of freedom, is Castro not a dictator, is not allowed the opposition? Did Castro did not kill the dissidents? Possible. But, hand on heart, what the sovereign of the Renaissance didn’t do it? Such comments can only do the typical counter-revolutionaries.

The victory of Pol Pot above the bourgeois pig

If Fidel Castro was too great for Cuba, the Olof Palme was too big for Sweden. Together, they were so big that they and the whole world scarcely would be enough. It is logical that they are together in the halo General greatness expressed in the Havana communiqué on the seizure of power by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in 1975 as follows: “a Great victory in the struggle for the right of peoples to decide their own destiny”.

The fact that the Khmer Rouge killed about a quarter of all the people, of course, facilitated the rest of the decision-making process about their own destiny. Very clever, Palma!

Chavez is a defender of democracy

“At the same time, it is clear that the biggest threat to democracy and human rights in Venezuela comes from those parts of the opposition who, including through a military coup in 2002, proved that they will not hesitate to use undemocratic methods to unseat a popularly elected government.” This was written by a speaker of the Left party on foreign policy issues Hans Linde (Hans Linde) in the document of the Riksdag in the autumn of 2013. At the time of Amnesty International for three years, beat an alarm in connection with the persecution of the Chavez regime journalists, human rights activists and the opposition.

© AP Photo Rodrigo AbdПортреты Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro on a wall in Caracas

Now are popular protests against Chavez’s successor socialist Nicolas Maduro, who abolished the power narodoizbrannogo of Parliament. Now the statement of Hans Linde and his party comrades that Venezuela still was not “real socialism” is only a matter of time.

We are prosvetitel

“We are not shy to criticize the Soviet Union. But let me say that we strive to have good relations with this country. We’re not anti-Soviet.” The Olof Palme announced the orientation of the party to the East in his speech during the party Congress of the social Democrats in 1984. The Communist government in Czechoslovakia, the palm course, aptly called “dictatorial asshole” that “the vast majority of their people hate and despise”. I thought Russians, Balts, poles and the rest of the Communist regimes in their countries, the palm is not so interested. Petty dictatorship to criticize you, the large have to endure. We’re not anti-Soviet.

