Pope urges UN to ban nuclear weapons

Pope Francis addressed a special message to Elayne Whyte gómez, President of the UN Conference for the negotiation of a legally binding instrument banning nuclear weapons, which would lead to its complete elimination. About it reports “112 Ukraine” with reference to “Vatican Radio”.

Recalling his speech before the UN General Assembly on 25 September 2015, as well as the Preamble and first article of the UN Charter, the Holy Father emphasizes that the basis of the international legal system is peace, the peaceful resolution of disputes and the development of friendly relations between Nations.

“Ethics and law based on the threat of mutual destruction and potential destruction of all mankind, contrary to the very spirit of the United Nations,” – stressed Pope Francis.

“Today, in an atmosphere of instability and conflict, we are faced with such threats to peace and security as terrorism, asymmetric conflicts, security problems, environmental problems, poverty. In these circumstances, the possession of nuclear weapons is misplaced,” he said.

Also, Pope Francis in his address added that nuclear weapons are a waste of resources that should be directed at combating poverty and achieving the goals of the UN in the field of sustainable development.

The Pope proposes to reflect on how acceptable it may be a balance based on fear, in the tendency of this fear and reduce trust among peoples.

“Peace and stability cannot be built on a false sense of security, the threat of mutual destruction and complete annihilation,” said the Pope.

He further notes that peace is built on justice, integral human development, basic human rights, on the participation of all in public life, trust between Nations, access to education and health, dialogue and solidarity.

Ethical discourse on peace and security must go beyond fear and isolationism, which, unfortunately, prevail in the international debate.

“In today’s world, everything is interconnected. Therefore, to achieve peace it is necessary to build and strengthen mechanisms of trust and cooperation that can create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons”, – said the Pope, quoting the Encyclical “Laudato si'”.

For this, according to Pope Francis, you need the most inclusive dialogue involving not only nuclear powers but also those countries that do not possess nuclear weapons, military and private organizations, religious communities.

“In order to achieve a world without nuclear weapons, we must avoid recrimination and polarization that is not conducive to dialogue, and puts him obstacles,” – said in a statement.

Earlier, the most powerful nuclear powers in the world – the US, Russia, China, France, Britain, and more than 30 other countries decided not to participate in the negotiations in the UN on the renunciation of nuclear weaponsthat began in the headquarters of UN in new York.

