Millions of Ukrainians are faced with hidden unemployment

Economists have analyzed different data sources

At the peak of the quarantine, when Ukraine has sharply decreased the number of job openings, about 3.1 million people, or 17% of the workforce, were in a state of hidden unemployment. The employment of these people was reduced or they were sent on unpaid leave. To such conclusion economists of the Center for economic strategy (TSES).

Also according to surveys, the work can temporarily lose up to 2.8 million Ukrainians, or 16% of the workforce. But official sources indicate that victims are significantly less. According to state statistics, according to the calculations of TSES, the work has lost a total of about 368 thousand Ukrainians (2% of the workforce).

Quarantine payments to Foam: thousands of Ukrainians saved them

“During the crisis people in the state of hidden unemployment are in limbo. They can be returned to full operation, and dismissed, depending on the economic situation. <…> According to sociologists, at the peak of coronaries about 3.1 million Ukrainians were in a state of hidden unemployment. This is about 17% of the labour force, and because of the shortcomings of surveys is just the upper bound estimates of hidden unemployment. According to calculations the level of unemployment is seen that the data of sociological surveys give much higher values than the data of the state statistics. Therefore, it is possible to assume that official statistics on “hidden employment” would have been lower,” said analysts.

We will remind, earlier news, the “Today” figured out how the Cabinet makes a save Ukrainians from unemployment and if it helps:

Coronavirus and quarantine in Ukraine is dominated by unemployment?

