The controversial film about Nicholas II will be released in Russia

“Matilda”, a feature film about the relationship of the last Russian Tsar with a ballerina, in the end, will be released in Moscow cinemas. Orthodox traditionalists and some of the Caucasian republics wanted to ban it in the name of defending the faith.

Holy, bloody tyrant or incompetent head of state. 100 years after the execution by the Bolsheviks of the last Russian Tsar is still a controversial figure in the country Vladimir Putin. On 10 August the Russian government gave the nod to the movie “Matilda” about the Roman Emperor with a ballerina. This painting by Alexei Uchitel aroused the wrath of Orthodox traditionalists and the leaders of the Muslim Caucasus republics.

Some wanted to ban the film in the name of protecting the faith, in particular religious leaders even threatened to set fire to cinemas, which will show the work of Alexei Uchitel. “We have issued a rental license for the entire territory of Russia”, — said on Thursday the representative of the Ministry of culture Vyacheslav Telnov. “However, the Executive authorities of the regions, guided by traditions and customs residing in the territory of the peoples to independently determine the appropriateness of display of a film”, he added, noting that “nothing illegal” in the picture.

In Russia, debate rages around the legacy of the monarch. “Neither in the society nor among historians there is no consensus about Nicholas II,” notes Professor of history from the European University in Saint-Petersburg Boris kolonitskii. The king is a significant figure for a part of the Russian Orthodox. All members of the Romanov family were shot and subsequently declared martyrs.

Patriotic blockbusters

In recent years a number of performances, films and exhibitions have appeared in Russia under the gun defenders promoted by Vladimir Putin’s traditional values. In addition, the country has restored the tradition of Patriotic films of the Soviet era. In 2015, “Battle for Sevastopol” made 6.5 million euros, and “Stalingrad” collected 23.5 million euros. In addition, the state invests in the production of scenes like the film “28 Panfilov,” which tells about the courage of Soviet soldiers who sacrificed themselves in order not to miss the Nazi troops to Moscow in winter 1941.

In 2015, the Ministry of culture has banned the release of the film “Room 44” on the novel about a serial killer in the Soviet Union in the Stalin era: it was considered insulting to Russians. As for Putin, it is in fact partially rehabilitated last and the king and Chernavchitsy the Soviet regime’s legacy of monarchs in General, putting yourself in the place of the historical successor of the Romanov dynasty and take their place General secretaries of the Communist party.

